Chapter 26

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(Isabel's POV)

Isabel tried to avoid Lord Goodwin's gaze at dinner, but she knew that she would have to change his bandage after the meal. Once dinner was finished, she got some bandages and sat on a stool near his seat.

She concentrated on unwrapping the bandage while Lord Goodwin listened to Sir Neville and Dustin talk about how the house was coming along. Isabel cleaned his arm as quickly as possible. She saw the scar from the wolf attack several years ago. How brave he was...

She saw Lord Goodwin looking at her. Sir Neville stood up, "Dustin could you take me to see the house?"

Dustin followed him out. Lord Goodwin didn't say anything, but she felt him watching her.

(John's POV)

John's heart seemed to beat faster as he stared at Isabel's face. He knew he needed to tell her about his plans to send her away to Rosings. Neville left them alone so she could reveal who hit the bailiff., but he couldn't do it. He would do it tomorrow, but right now... he just needed to be near her.

In the morning, he would find a way to get her to tell him who threw the rock. Once he has the information, he will send her away. 

His chest ached at the thought of sending her away, but he wouldn't think about that tonight. Besides, she wanted to go. He would grant her this wish.

"Isabel? What are you thinking?"

"I was just thinking about all of the things that have been happening lately and wondering how God could work them out for good. Like you didn't deserve to have your arm burned. How could that be a good thing? Or the crops getting burned, or Sir Neville's questions. How can all of that be good?"

"The Bible doesn't say that all these will be good. It also says that God works all things for good to those who love Him."

She seemed to think for a moment. "Do you love God?"


"Then I guess we should believe that all of this will be worked out for good."

"Yes, we should." She seemed to be afraid to look at him tonight. Did he scare her this morning when he hugged her? She didn't seem disgusted by him, she laid her cheek against his chest. But then she realized what she was doing and ran away. "I promise. It will be okay." He reached our and grabbed her hand.

Staring down at his hand, she nodded. After another minute or so, she continued to work on his bandage.

The next morning, John found Isabel in the kitchen. It has to be done. "Will you take a walk with me?

She nodded and put aside the bread dough that she was working on. Elizabeth gave her a look that made him wonder what they were talking about.

She followed him to where his house was being built. After a few moments, she asked, "How's the construction of your castle coming along?"

"Castle? Is that what you call it? I guess it looks a little like a castle. We just finished the foundation. I hope that I can move in before Christmas."

For a couple minutes, they watched the men work. 

"What do you think of my castle?"

"I can't believe how much has been done. They've been working quickly."

They watched the workers for a little bit more before John led her to a fallen tree where they could watch the workers without being seen.

He took a deep breath and began to speak, "We are friends, right?"

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