Chapter 5: The Calm Before the Storm

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I was dreading the start of high school. Not only did I have to waddle around in diapers, but I didn't have any friends going to school with me, and Elliott probably didn't want to be seen with the diapered kid.

I managed to stay undetected for the first few days as I would wear bigger clothes that would cover up my diaper. I would try to get to class early and avoid the crowded hallways, and I would eat lunch by the vending machines. The most embarrassing part, though, is that my mom didn't trust me to change myself, so I needed to go to the nurses to get a diaper change.

I developed a routine after a few days. I would go to the nurse's office when I felt my diaper start to sag, and she would change me. I hadn't had a pooping accident since I was sick, so I didn't have to really worry about that.

At this point, I rarely, if ever, made it to the toilet, especially when I was not home. I've all but given up at this point. Even if I did make it on time, the diaper was such a pain to take off that I just used it. "I mean, diapers are meant to be used, right?" I thought, trying to convince myself that what I'm going through is a normal thing, knowing in my head it really isn't.

I also had a hard time taking the diaper off and putting it back on if I were to make it. With pull-ups, it was easier, as they were essentially like underwear. But with diapers, it was a struggle, so unless I felt the urge and could immediately go to the bathroom, I would just use my diaper. The doctors at this point said that I was incontinent and should wear protection 24/7. They gave me some tips to stretch my bladder and retrain me, but they didn't seem to be working.

After the first few days, we had to get ready for gym class, which I dreaded the most. The first couple classes were fine because it was in a classroom talking about health and stuff, but now we had to start the fitness part. I tried to get out of it, but my parents were not having it.

They still think that I'm being lazy, and my mom told me, "If you don't want people to see you wearing a diaper, you've got to quit wetting your pants."

My dad would not let me either; he said, "You are already small; gym class is what you need more than any of those other ones."

For gym, our teacher, Coach Harrison, was also the football coach. He handed out the shorts and t-shirts we had to wear. A white tee with our school, Jordan High, on the front and our last names, in my case, Davis, on the back in big blue lettering with white trim. The shorts were black with our mascot, a blue, white, and gray panther logo, on the bottom right leg.

As Coach Harrison handed me my clothes, he said, "Extra small it is for you. Huh buddy?"

I hate getting called buddy.

"Could I get a small?" I asked.

"Nope. Your parents put in an extra small for you already. You'll fit in an extra small just fine." Coach Harrison replied. He then leaned in and whispered, "I also know about your condition; the nurse told me. If you ever need to go, just ask me or raise your hand, and I'll allow it." This made me turn red as I nodded and turned away.

As I walked to the changing room, I grew nervous, as I had wet my diaper in a previous class but didn't feel the need to change it quite yet. My diaper was pretty wet, and the bulge might be noticeable with these shorts; if not, it definitely would creep up over the top of my shorts. I hurried into the locker rooms and quickly found a stall to change into my clothes.

"Hey Eli, What are you doing changing in there?" someone yelled.

"Taking a shit!" I yelled back. Laughter ensued, and no one asked any more questions. Phew! I decided to wear my gym shirt over the shirt I was already wearing so that it would cover the back of my diaper poking out.

I got changed and headed out. I got a few weird stares, but no one asked any questions. "Maybe I might just get away with it." I thought to myself.

We did some warm-ups, and then we had to do a running test. During the warm-ups, we were doing some jumping jacks. As I jumped up and down, my diaper moved up and down along with me. This bounced my bladder, and the urge to pee grew. Before Coach Harrison whistled for us to finish our warmup, I felt my damp, decently full diaper expand even more, and warm pee flowed into it. "I'm seriously close to a leak." I thought to myself as a stream of warm pee expanded my diaper.

Coach Harrison whistled for us to start our running test and timed us. We would be tested at the end of the year to see if we improved. I'm not too bad at running, so I wasn't worried about it, though I had to keep adjusting my diaper as it was sagging pretty badly at this point. What I was worried about was the strength test. We had to do as many push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups as we could. We had to be paired up for this, and my coach paired me up with a boy named Henry.

Henry was a boy of average size for his age. brown, fluffy hair, and bright blue eyes. He was probably the most attractive guy I had ever seen. My heart dropped, and I felt butterflies in my stomach—a feeling I've only had a few times.

When coach paired us up, he smiled at me and said, "Hey, I'm Henry! You must be Eli. It looks like we are paired up." He said this, reaching out his hand to pick me up.

"Yeah, I guess so," is all I managed to get to come out of my mouth as I returned an outstretched hand. I couldn't stop staring at him.

"Well," he laughed, "let's get going," he said enthusiastically.

I was still speechless, so I just nodded, and my face started to get red. For a moment there, Henry had gotten me to forget all about my situation. I no longer felt the sagging diaper between my legs or the clammy feeling that a full diaper gives you. It was a nice feeling to finally forget about all that.

I started first, but I only got a few push-ups and sit-ups in. I was more worried about my diaper peeking out than doing a bunch of push-ups and sit-ups. As I got up from the sit-ups, I noticed my diaper had started to leak a little as I had left a little wet spot on the mat we were using.

"I sure hope Henry didn't notice," I thought to myself. Henry went next and blew me out of the water. I couldn't even do near that many push-ups on my best day.

Next were pull-ups. I was most nervous about these, as the whole class was basically watching. I tightened the string in my shorts around my belly button so my diaper wouldn't peek out. I only managed to get one, but that was fine by me as I got out of there quickly.

Henry and I got to talking while watching everything else. It turns out we like to play the same video games, and he was on the football team with Elliott. His family had just moved to Long Beach, and he didn't know anybody besides some of the guys on the team. I had told him I was Elliott's twin brother earlier in the class; he didn't believe me at first.

After a little lull in the conversation, he asked, "So, do you have a girlfriend?"

I laughed. "Not right now," I said sheepishly. "What about you?" I asked.

While I was hoping he would say no, he said, "I did; back at home, we had to break up because of the move."

"Okay, cool." I said.

"Class is over!" Coach Harrison said as he blew his whistle. Finally, gym was over, and we were sent back to change.

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