Chapter 15: Curious Jacob

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Still Jacob's POV

I don't know where these thoughts came from, but I would see an old pack of pull-ups in a closet in our house and miss the old feelings that I felt when I wore them to bed. One day, after a few hours of no sleep, I went to that closet. I grabbed the old pack of pull-ups and grabbed one from the bag. There were still a few left. I tucked the pull-up in my waistband and covered it with my shirt, tiptoeing my way into my room.

I got into my room and shut the door behind me, pulling the pull-up from my waistband. I then pulled down my pants and underwear and kicked them to the side. I slipped the pull-up over me, it was pretty tight and I struggled to get it over me. I eventually did and put my pants back on, covering my pull-up.

I tiptoed my way to the bathroom, shut the door, and turned on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror, pulling my shirt up just a little bit, exposing the waistline of the pull-up I had just put on. I then moved side to side looking at the exposed pull-up around my waist. I started to smile. I liked what I was seeing.

I then pulled down my shorts around my ankles, going side to side again, looking at the pull-up and how it fits against my skin. I paused and looked at the pull-up around my butt. I then grazed my hand over the back of my pull-up. My body started to heat up and I felt the same feeling I did back when I wet the bed. I felt safe and secure.

I then looked at my front, feeling the thin padding of the pull-up around my groin area. I felt lighter as I continued to look at myself. I smiled as I pulled up my shorts and flushed the toilet to make it seem like I was using it. I tiptoed back to my room and jumped in bed, pull-up still on.

The restlessness I felt earlier was still there, but it was different. I was more excited than restless. It was almost midnight when I felt I needed to pee. I instinctively got up to go to the bathroom. As I got near the door, I thought to myself, "Oh, I got a pull-up on. I might as well use it."

I then went back over to my bed stood there and tried to relieve my bladder. Nothing happened. "It can't be that hard." I thought to myself as I pushed against my bladder. Again, nothing.

I then slightly squatted near my bed and pushed harder, after a bit, a small squirt of pee entered my pull-up. "It's working," I thought as I squatted down further and pushed harder.

That's when the floodgates opened and a strong stream of warm pee entered my pull-up, the pull-up expanding as I pushed. I let out an audible, "Ahh," as the stream continued and I heard the hiss of pee hitting the front of my pull-up. The feeling of warm pee against my skin felt freeing and the pull-up made me feel safe, like I was a little kid again, waking up in a damp, clammy pull-up, but a dry bed.

As I continued to release pee into my pull-up, it started to leak down my legs, breaking the feelings I had. I tried to stop peeing but it didn't work. The pull-up was too tight and small to hold the stream that I had. The pee ran down my leg and left a stain on the carpet in my room. It wasn't big but you could notice it.

Eventually, the peeing stopped and I took my shorts off and threw them in the hamper. I took the pull up and it plopped to the ground. I lifted my legs out of it and put my old underwear on along with a new pair of shorts.

I started to panic, between the soaked pull-up and the small wet spot on the carpet near my bed, I didn't know what to do. As I stared at the soaked, slightly yellow pull-up on the floor, I thought to myself, "Oh what did I do? Why did I do that? What does it do now?"

That's when a lightbulb went off. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic shopping bag from under the sink. I ran to my room and grabbed the pull-up off the floor. My heart racing, I shoved the pull-up in the bag and tied it up, throwing it in my closet behind the hamper. "I'll take care of that in the morning." I thought to myself.

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