Chapter 16: Need a Change, Diaper Boy?

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After the crappy week I had just had, I am glad the the weekend went pretty okay. We stayed in the house for most of Sunday. The upcoming school week made me more nervous than the lead up to the previous first week. Now that basically the entire school knew about my situation. Would they grow up and forget about it, or would they never let me forget about it?

Elliott and I sat down on the bus together as we headed to school that Monday. As we arrived, we shuffled out, there was still some hushed laughter that followed everywhere I went but a lot less then before.

As we exited the bus, Elliott and I separated and went in different directions. Elliott and I were starting to become closer than we ever had before. Even though I was born five minutes earlier, he started to act more like an older brother and was a lot nicer to me than he was the past 14 years.

As I maneuvered my way around the people in front of the school, I kept my head down, trying to avoid any eye contact with anybody. The whispers were an all too familiar sound, but I kept my head down. As I arrived close to the front doors, an arm wrapped around my shoulders. I looked up, nervous at who it could be. It was Henry, looking at me with his bright blue eyes, smiling.

"Hey, How's it goin'?" he said as he drew me closer.

"Good, I guess." I said as I started to blush. "How about you?" I asked.

"Not bad myself." he replied, "Happy to see you." he stated as he retracted his arm from my shoulder and gave me a fist bump.

"See you in class later." He said walking away.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said smiling, still blushing, running my hand through my hair.I then walked into the school.

These kinds of interactions with Henry became an everyday thing. He would always find me before school and ask me how I was doing. We started to hang out more and more as the school year moved forward.

While the whispers and hushed laughter persisted for a few weeks, they eventually all but vanished. I would hear a few comments every so often but I always ignored them, as I did that, they soon disappeared as well. The only one that persisted to tease me was Alec and some of his friends.

Henry and I also started to spend more time together after school. At first he would come home with Elliott after practices and hang out with him. He started to include me as well. Then he started to show up to come spend time with me.

I love spending time with Henry. He is one of the few people I can hang out with and not have to think about my diapers or feel judged about it, he is completely understanding. He makes me feel like a normal kid, and while he would kick my butt in bowling, he was no match for me when we played any type of video game.

We started to eat lunch together and he included me in with his friends. I no longer had to eat alone by the vending machine. All his friends were mostly football players so I spent more time with Elliott as well. They all were very protective of me. Alec would occasionally come over to where we sat and would try to make a joke. It didn't fly well with everyone so he eventually stopped at lunch, but continued any other chance he got.

They were also super understanding about my diapers. They made jokes every so often but they were not meant to hurt me. They were also curious sometimes and would ask questions, and I was always willing to answer.

When October arrived, when Henry and I weren't hanging out or he wasn't doing football stuff, we were texting back and forth. We would talk about all sorts of things. We would talk about video games, send each other memes and talk about our families or other friends. I learned a lot of cool things about him. He would also talk about girls a lot. Which one he thought were hot, which ones were fun to talk to etc. I hadn't told him I was gay yet, and I didn't really want to. Sharing my feelings with him would probably drive a wedge between us and make it awkward. So I just made up a bunch of stuff about girls so that I could fit in.

Henry really had become my Jacob replacement. Jacob and I were still friends and would hang out at football games and we would play video games together, but that was about it. After we went bowling, Jacob had started to grow distant. I would still ask him to come over every so often but he always seemed to be busy. I thought nothing of it, as he probably had new friends and a lot of basketball stuff going on.

As the school year went on, I started to make new friends as well. I met a kid named Dillon in my English class. We sat next to each other and we both didn't have friends in the class so we always paired up. We wouldn't hang out outside of school as I just considered him a school friend, someone you talk to in the hall and in class but don't invite him over. We liked a lot of the same games and he was a really good drawer. He kind of reminded me of my brother Tyler. As I talked to him, my old passion of drawing started to ignite again and I started drawing more so I could show him. I hadn't done so in quite a while with all that was going on. He was a lot better then me but I enjoyed talking to him.

As far as my diapered experience, I had developed a routine that I was good about. My mom would change my diaper every morning. At this point there were zero dry nights. I was making it to the toilet at home more often now, about a quarter of the time, which was so much better then earlier. However, at school, I just used my diaper. I still was bad and readjusting it like if I were to take it off and use the toilet, and without my mom there to fix it for me, I just used it. With that being said, eventually the fact that I wore diapers became old news and with my new friends, no one really said anything, besides the occasional comment.

Alec wouldn't say anything when other people were around but if he ever got a chance to say something to me, he would. During math class he would often have notes passed to me, calling me all kinds of names. I just kept those notes in my backpack and ignored him but he wouldn't let it go. Every time in gym when I would be separated from Henry, he would make some comments.

There was one day in mid November, I left the stall when I changed for gym, he came up behind me and he hit my butt, hitting the back of my diaper. That made me freeze in place. "Need a change, diaper boy?" he said in a mocking baby voice while making a face.

It took all my restraint to not start hitting him again. As I went to class, I told Henry and he got very angry, "I'll deal with him," he said.

I was happy that I had good friends to protect me. I was happy at my new school and was content with everything. What happened after that day would flip everything on it head.

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