Chapter 24: Dirty Diapers

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"Yeah. I'm all good. Almost done." I said through the door. I closed the cabinet door slowly to not make noise, I opened the garbage can liner as quietly as I could and put my dirty diaper inside, placing it in my bag. I jumped up, pulled my shorts up quickly, grabbed my bag, and opened the door.

Dillon was in the hall waiting for me. "Sorry," I said, placing my bag outside the bathroom and heading towards the stairs.

"No worries," he replied.

As I headed down the stairs Dillion said, "Eli, hold up."

I stopped where I was a turned around to face Dillion at the top of the stairs. He came closer to me, and whispered, "Your diaper is sticking out the back."

My heart dropped and my face started to turn red. I hadn't noticed but the back of my shirt had been tucked into my diaper and the waistline of my diaper was visible. "Oops," I said with a nervous chuckle.

"It happens," Dillion said with a slight smile as he headed down the stairs in front of me.

I pulled the shirt out of the waistband of my diaper, pulled up my pants further, and adjusted my diaper. I then made sure no part of my waistband was covered before I followed Dillion down the stairs.

I sat down at the barstool near the kitchen island and Dillon had already started eating. I grabbed a plate and a few slices of pizza and a breadstick and started as well. Eventually, we started talking as if nothing happened and I soon forgot about that awkward moment.

After we were done Dillon stood up and said, "You wanna play some basketball before it gets dark."

"Sure," I said.

We went outside and the sun was close to setting. We played basketball until the sunset. Dillon was a pretty good basketball player, not as good as Jacob but not bad. As the sun started to set, we went over on the trampoline and jumped around. As I was jumping I felt my stomach start to rumble, the pizza, breadsticks, and soda mixing in my stomach.

Dillon's mom came outside, "How about you boys come inside?" She said. "It's getting pretty late."

We hopped off the trampoline and went inside and she met us. "I think it's time for Eli to go home." She said.

"True," I responded.

"I can take you home if you want." Dillon's mom said.

"Okay." I replied, "I'd appreciate that."

I started to put my shoes back on that I had taken off to jump on the trampoline, my stomach grumbling again. I started to get nervous. "Could I make it before I got home?" I thought to myself. It's not like I had much of a choice. I could already tell that this was going to be a smelly poo and I didn't want to do that here. I knew pizza would've been a mistake.

Dillon's mom headed to the garage and Dillon and I followed. I hopped in the car and headed to my place. As we drove, my stomach started to grumble more and more. It's started to cramp about a quarterway to my house. I didn't say anything and I tried to look relaxed, which I was not. I was just praying I would poop my diaper in her nice car.

As we arrived at my house, it was an emergency and I could feel the poo trying to escape. I started to get desperate. "Thank you. See you tomorrow Dillon." I said quickly, getting out of the car as fast as I could.

"See ya." He yelled back as I started to jog up my driveway.

I waved back as I arrived at the door and they started to drive away. I was grabbing at my stomach and covering my it as I entered the door, nearly about to explode. I ran to the nearest bathroom and grabbed the doorknob. My heart dropped when I yanked on it to find out it was locked.

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