Chapter 29: The Break

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I texted Henry a few hours after that at 4 a.m. "Did I do something wrong?" I texted.

I watched as the three dots popped up and disappeared. They popped up again and Henry responded, "No you didn't. It's my fault. I shouldn't have done that."

"It's not your fault!" I responded. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"It's just complicated with my family and stuff. We should take a break for a bit so I can figure some stuff out. Okay?" he responded.

"K," I responded. I wanted to say so much more. Ranging from I love you to stop being such a pussy. I didn't say anything else. I was gonna let him figure his stuff out.

I then fell asleep for a few hours. I got woken up a few hours later, around 7 a.m. My diaper was full, cold, and soggy, just like every morning. But this morning was a bit different, as I felt just like my diaper, cold and soggy.

Dillon was up and his diaper was sagging as he walked around. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "You feeling better?" Dillon asked.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks." I replied.

"No, thank you," Dillon said as he sat not to me on my bed. "You are a good friend, Henry is lucky to have you. He'll come around."

He was right. I leaned over and hugged him. "Like seriously," Dillon said. "I know we haven't known each other for that long and I don't have many friends, but you are for sure my best friend." I hugged him again, this time tighter.

"I like Elliott a bit more. Your mom has paid me to hang out with you all this time." Jacob said, now awake.

Dillon and I let go of each other and looked at him. He had a grin ear to ear. "I'm just kidding." he said, "You already know you're my best friend too."
he said.

Dillon and I started to laugh and Jacob jumped on the bed with us. All three of us shared a hug.

"It starting to smell like piss in here," Jacob said. "We should open a window."

He was right. The stale smell of piss covered the room. I guess that's what happens when you have three diaper boys in the same room. Jacob got up and his diaper sagged between his legs as well.

"Jacob. Did you wet the bed last night?" I asked.

He looked down at the saggy diaper, "I did a few minutes ago. I've got it on, why not." he said.

We started to laugh again as Jacob opened a window. "I probably should get it off before your mom sees me and take a shower. This would be an awkward conversation with my parents," he said as he picked up his pajama pants, slipping onto them.

He went to the bathroom and took a shower. Dillon and I talked and shared memes. My mom walked in. "Hey, boys. You want some breakfast?" she said.

"Yeah. I would love some." I said.

"Okay. I'll make some bacon and pancakes," she said.

The door almost closed, and she asked, "Where's Jacob?"

"Shower," I said.

She shut the door behind us and Dillon and I continued our conversation. I'm glad I had Dillon as a friend now.

We ate breakfast. We put our pajama pants back on and sat down at the table. My mom had made bacon and pancakes. I sat on the table, my cold soggy diaper squishing between my legs.

After breakfast, my mom changed me into a new diaper. "Did you have fun sweetie?" she asked as she slid the diaper under my butt.

"Yeah, I had a lot of fun," I said.

"I'm just glad you are making friends," she replied as she slid the front of the diaper over me. "Dillon seems like a good boy," she added as she fastened the tapes.

"Yeah, he's a good friend," I replied. I hopped up and she patted my diapered butt. I pulled my pants back up. Jacob and Dillon were packing up in my room. Dillon's mom was there first, followed by Jacob.

After they left, I started to play Fortnite with Max and Daren. It had been a while and it was nice to talk to them again. Elliott walked in and sat down on the couch. I placed my headset around my neck. "You didn't have too much fun, did you?" I asked him.

He smiled and said, "Let's just say, I had a lot of fun." I laughed.

"Did you have a good night?" He asked me.

"Yeah, it was fun," I said.

"You make out with each other all night?" Elliott said.

I panicked and started to get nervous, "no, why would you say that?" I said nervously.

"I'm just joking buddy," he said. I chuckled nervously as he messed with my hair. I put my headset back on.


The weekend flew by quickly. I was nervous about school again as I didn't know where Henry and I were anymore. After he kissed me, I texted him that night and he responded but after that, I had texted him a few times with no response.

It was a few days until Thanksgiving and a few weeks until Winter break. This was usually the best time of school because everyone was excited for the holidays but for me, it was full of dread. I wanted Henry and I to talk again, even if we just stayed friends, I didn't care, I just missed him.

He for the most part ignored me. We said hi to each other in the hallway and classes, but he started to hang out with other people in the classes we had together and at lunch. I started to have my lunches with Dillon every day and we grew to be stronger friends.

As Thanksgiving came and went, then we entered winter break. Henry and I were in the same spot. Dillon and I were hanging out every day and Jacob had started to come over more often.

Christmas was normal. I got a few things, some video games and clothes. I also got a big case of diapers with race car prints on them. I was super embarrassed by this gift. My mom, however, thought it would be funny.

After we were done opening presents and hanging around. I got a text from Dillon. "I'm outside," he said.

I went to the front door and he handed me a present. "Merry Christmas," he said.

"Thanks," I said. I got him a present as well. Dillon set it down and picked something else up. "There was this one on your porch as well, it isn't from me but it says it's for you," he said.

"Oh weird," I said.

I took both my presents up to my room. I opened up to Dillon first. He had gotten me a drawing kit. I had told him I wanted to get better at it and it was perfect. I then looked at the other present. It was a bit smaller and wrapped up in Christmas paper with my name scrawled on the front in big letters. There was no tag or anything to tell who it was from.

I unwrapped it and opened the box to see what it contained. It had a note inside. "From Henry." It said. I grabbed what was inside.

It was a picture frame with a picture of us together at the bowling alley. I smiled. While I loved Dillon's gift, this one meant something a bit more for obvious reasons.

I texted Henry, "Thanks for the gift. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything. I didn't know if you wanted me to."

He texted back later that day. "You're welcome. No worries about the gift, you can make it up another time. Merry Christmas!"

I started to feel hopeful that we could be friends again. As New Year passed and school started back up again, Henry and I were on better terms but we still were not hanging out or talking much. The occasional hi in the hallway turned to a How are you doing? I still had lunch with Dillon every day and Henry with his friends.

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