Chapter 28: Complicated

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I stared at that text from Henry. "Look outside."

"What the hell." I quietly said, trying not to wake my friends.

I didn't get up. Then Henry texted again, "U up?" he said.

"Yeah." I texted back.

"Then look outside your window." he texted back.

I got up from my bed and peered outside my window. Below my window and in my backyard was Henry. He waved at me and I waved back. I lifted my pointer finger out of the air, signaling for him to give me a second. I then tip-toed out of my room and went downstairs to the door to the backyard.

I opened the door and Henry was there waiting for me. "What are you doing here." I said, "I thought you were grounded."

"I am." he replied, "But I waited for my parents to fall asleep and snuck out."

"Cool. Come on in." I said.

I closed the door behind Henry and he asked, "So where is everyone else?"

"Upstairs, asleep," I responded.

He then looked me up and down. "So, no pants for you tonight," he asked with a smile.

"Oh shit," I said covering the front of my diaper. I had forgotten to put my pants back on. "I'll tell you upstairs."

Henry swatted my diapered bottom as we went upstairs and I told him about what we had done. He was trying hard not to laugh too hard to not wake Dillon and Jacob.

After he was done laughing, my mind went back to the question Dillon asked me earlier. "Hey... can I ask you something?" I asked Henry.

"Sure. Anything," he replied.

"I want you to answer honestly, even if you think it's gonna hurt my feelings. Okay?" I asked.

"Sure," Henry said as he turned his full attention to me.

"Do you think we would still be friends if things were different?" I asked.

He paused and thought for a moment. "Things? Like what things?" He asked puzzled.

"Well, you know... things like..." I said struggling to find the words. "Dillon asked me earlier if I could get rid of my condition would I do it." I finally spat out.

"What condition?" Henry asked.

"My incontinence," I said.

"What's that?" Henry said.

"You know, the reason I wear diapers," I said, smiling at Henry's confusion.

He paused to think for a minute, "Oh, is that what you call it? I just thought it was diaper boy syndrome." He joked.

I laughed. "No. It's called incontinence. I can't control my bladder." I said, "And sometimes my bowels."

Henry was surprised by the last part. "You poop yourself too? I didn't know that," he said.

I turned red in embarrassment and put my head down. "Oh sorry," Henry said as placed his hand on my leg.

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