Chapter 13: Bowling

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"Ahh.. screw you," Elliot said after I beat him for the third time in a row, this time just passing him not long before the finish line. Elliott threw the controller down on the couch, reaching for his phone in his pocket. "Oh, we should probably get ready to go."

Yeah. We should." I said as I got myself off the couch and turned off the switch. By this time, my diaper was pretty full. I got up and felt it start to sag. I was surprised to see that it didn't leak. "I gotta go get ready, and then we can go," I told Elliott.

I waddled over to the kitchen and asked my mom to change me. "Again." She said as she took me to my room and put a fresh diaper on me. "I think we ought to replace those undies with your diapers and get you to start changing yourself."

"Okay. That would make things a lot easier." I replied. She finished and patted my diapered behind and I got ready to go to the bowling alley. I wore a big shirt and some loose-fitting pants and hopped in the car with my mom and Elliott and we went on our way.

We were the first to arrive and we stood outside waiting for everyone else. It was Jacob, Elliot and I along with Henry and a few of their football teammates, Kyle and Demarcus. I knew them a little bit, we never talked but they had been over to the house once or twice before.

Henry was the last to arrive. He jumped out of his mom's minivan and waved goodbye to her as she drove away. I looked at him and the stomach butterflies started back up again. I couldn't stop looking at him, he went down the line and dapped up everyone, until he got to me and tried to. It was awkward and clumsy. "Hey," Henry said looking at me.

"Hey," I replied, looking at him and those bright blue eyes. It got to an awkward amount of eye contact when Elliott piped up.

"Well, let's get on with it," he said and we followed each other into the bowling alley. The four football boys started talking to each other with Jacob and I trailing behind. I still couldn't keep my eyes off Henry. Jacob put his arm around me, breaking my trance, and gave me a look and a slight smile. "What?" I said a bit disoriented.

"Nothin." he said maintaining the slight smile, "Just glad I could be here. I'm gonna whoop you in bowling."

I chuckled, "You're probably right. I'm not very good. Elliott took all the athletic genes from me in the womb if you didn't already know."

Jacob returned laughter. "Don't sell yourself so short man. You are good at other things."

We grabbed our shoes and headed to our lanes. Elliott, Demarcus, and Kyle had one lane while Henry, Jacob, and I had the lane to the left of them. We got started and as I expected, I couldn't hang with the group in the bowling lanes but Henry, Jacob, and I were talking a lot, not paying too much attention to our scores. We'd all laugh together as I got gutter ball after gutter ball and cheer when I would knock over any number of pins.

We ordered some food and Henry and Jacob hit it off. They talked a lot about video games and basketball. We eventually started talking to Henry about his friends and family back in Utah.

Jacob ended up winning our first of two games. As we were about to start the second game Henry said, "Hold on a sec, I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be back in a few." and he headed to the bathrooms. Jacob and I sat down and started working on the fries. Kyle, Demarcus, and Elliott were talking to some girls bowling next to them.

Jacob and I sat at the table and started to eat some fries. "You're crushing hard on Henry, aren't you?" Jacob said.

This surprised me. A bunch of thoughts raced through my head at that moment, "How did he catch on to me? What should I do? Should I just deny it?"

I was flustered and nervously chuckled and said, "No. It's not like that. He's just a good friend."

He replied, "Come on man. I've known you how long now? I'm all good with it. I've seen the way you look at him. You are head over heels. It's like..."

I cut him off, "Okay, I get it." I said lowering my voice, looking around us to see if anyone was near. "I guess... you could say I have a crush on him. Keep this between you and me. M'kay?"

He made a gesture of zipping his lips and throwing out the key. "Between you and me. On God." He said. "So does that make you gay?"

"Yeah. I guess it does." I answered.

"Cool." He said as Henry walked back up to where we were.

"I'm gonna beat you this time Jacob." He said.

"5 dollars says you not," Jacob said back getting up from his seat.

I sat still, munching on some fries as I looked at the both of them start the game. I'm so glad I have someone that knows now. I've been wanting to tell Jacob I was gay for some time now, I just didn't want things to get weird between us. I'm glad he was pretty cool about it and now there was someone I could talk to about it. I got up and walked up to them and said, "Actually, I think I am gonna win this one so I'll take 5 dollars from the both of you."

As I said this all three of us shared a laugh and continued on our game. Jacob won again. We then gave our shoes back returned our bowling balls and went outside to wait for our ride. We finished before the others so we headed out there first. They shortly followed though, still talking to the girls they found as they walked out the door.

We three were on our phones when Kyle came up from behind and pantsed me, exposing my diaper for all to see. Jacob jumped to the back of me, shielding me from view, pushing Kyle out of the way.

"Dude. What the hell!" He said

Kyle was laughing and said, "Oh shit. I forgot." Elliott and Demarcus were behind him trying to hold back their laughter while the girls they were talking to were laughing hysterically at the sight of a 14-year-old in diapers. I pulled my pants back up as quickly as I could, red-faced and embarrassed.

"Dude. My bad." Kyle said walking towards me, extending his hand. I slapped his hand out of the way and pushed him.

"Screw you, bro," I said.

"Seriously. I'm sorry." Kyle replied, still trying to hold back laughter, walking towards me again trying to make amends.

"Whatever," I said backing away behind Henry and Jacob.

What a way to end a great day to get exposed in front of some strangers. I was fuming. Henry's mom came first to pick him up. "Thanks for inviting me." He said jumping into the minivan. "Let's hang out again sometime Eli."

"For sure," I replied. As the van drove out of sight, Jacob punched me in the arm and gave me a wink.

"You're totally in," he said.

"Whatever," I replied, beginning to blush.

My mom was the last to arrive to get Elliott, Jacob, and me. We hopped in the car. "How was it?" She asked.

"Good," we all said.

"You guys hungry? I don't know about you but I'm starving." She said.

"I'm down to eat," Elliott piped up from the back. We headed to eat and drop off Jacob.

A great weekend I would say. While it was still the worst week of my life so far, it had a good ending.


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