Chapter 6: The Incident

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As soon as I got into the locker room, I snatched my clothes and bag from my locker and ran for the stall. I maneuvered my way around the sea of people in the locker room and headed to the stalls. The last one I was in was taken, so I had to use the one next to it. I got in, shut the door, and quickly opened my bag. As I was grabbing my shirt, I heard someone say, "Taking a shit again, Eli! You have Taco Bell for breakfast?" someone yelled out. I decided to ignore them this time.

As I pulled my gym shorts down around my ankles, I heard the same voice: "Hey!" he yelled, "I'm talking to you!"

As he pushed open my stall door, it hit the wall with a loud "Bang!" With my back facing the door, it pushed me onto the toilet. The bottom of my chin was hitting the top of the toilet. My diapered butt in the air, for everyone to see.

It was Alec who pushed the door open—one of the biggest kids in school. "Is that a diaper?" Alec said this in shock. A roar of laughter filled the room as I turned to face everyone, revealing my very full, saggy, and yellow diapered front. A few people took out their phones and started taking videos and pictures.

"Looks like little Eli needs a diaper change," Alec said in a mocking baby voice; another roar of laughter followed.

I got angry more than I ever had before. I was seeing red. "Shut the hell up! Leave me alone!" I yelled and tried to push Alec away. He didn't move an inch, and more laughter followed. I started hitting him with all the strength I had. He backed away from me, and I lunged forward to hit him again, but I overextended, and the pants around my ankles made me fall on my face. Another roar of laughter erupted.

With tears in my eyes, I picked myself up, went back into the stall, and tried to close the door. However, Alec grabbed the door and opened it again. "You think you can hit me and get away with it." He grabbed me and threw me in the middle of the locker room, into a crowd of people.

I fell on my back, and as I was trying to get up again, Alec grabbed me by my arms again and threw me against the lockers. Bang! I hit the lockers and fell back onto the cold floor. It began to grow quieter as I lay on the floor by the lockers, crying.

He and some of his friends started hitting me and calling me all kinds of names as I covered my face with my arms, trying to protect my face and not let them see me cry. One of them kicked me in the stomach, and I gasped for air. After that kick, someone said, "I think he's had enough." They then gave up and left me alone.

I stayed there for what seemed like forever but was probably only a minute or two. "I thought I would have more time. I was expecting it to happen, but so soon? I was looking forward to nobody knowing for longer than a few days." I thought to myself, lying on the dusty locker room floor, as the fades of loud laughter grew quieter.

There I was, laying on the locker room floor in a full diaper and t-shirt. It took every fiber of my being not to burst into tears at that moment. I had just received my first beating in high school. I picked myself off the floor, dusting myself off and fixing my light blonde hair. My nose was bleeding, and there was a pain in my side, but they didn't matter compared to the pain of embarrassment I was feeling in the moment.

At this point, I was the only one in the locker room. My diaper was sagging between my legs, and it was starting to get cold. My eyes were clouded with tears. Then I heard the other stall door open, and there was Henry. He paused, seeming shocked to see me. As he made eye contact with me, bloodied, bruised, and teary-eyed, then looked down at my sagging yellow diaper, he covered his mouth, probably trying to hold back laughter, the recoiling realizing what he almost did.

"How could this nightmare get any worse?" I thought to myself. Not only did everyone see my diapered butt, but the one guy I thought I could be friends with got a front-row view and found it funny!

After that, the floodgates opened, and I started to cry. I ran back to the stall and shut the door. "Dude, I'm sorry! I just wasn't expecting that." Henry exclaimed.

"Screw you!" I screamed back, "Just leave me alone!"

Henry said again, "Dude, I'm sorry! Are you okay?"

I didn't respond immediately. "What kind of stupid question is that?" I thought, "Am I okay?"

"Take a wild guess if I'm okay or not, dumbass," I yelled back at Henry.

"I was going to say that," he replied.

I cut him off. "Just leave me alone!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I heard as he left, and I cried in the stall for a few more minutes.

"How am I ever going to get over this?" I thought to myself as I was changing into my school clothes. After that, I left the locker, walked past the next gym class, and took the walk of shame to the nurse's office.

Upon seeing my condition, the nurse asked me, "What happened, Eli?"

"Nothing," I replied, looking down at my shoes, embarrassed. "I just tripped and took a fall at the gym."

"Oh, okay," she said, still concerned. "Are you here for a change or a clean-up?" she asked, already knowing my situation.

"I guess both." I relied.

Mrs. Nash was the nurse's name. She sure was a nice lady—a real silver lining to this shitty situation.

After she cleaned me up and put me in a fresh diaper, she said, "Well, I hope we don't have any more falls in gym class. If people are being mean to you, you can always tell me."

"I know," I replied, "nothing to worry about."

"Okay, good," she said. "You probably should get going to class."

"Do I have to?" I complained,

"Yes, you do," she said, laughing.

I smiled back and walked out the door. I started to walk to the door on the way to my next class.

"Oh wait, Eli," the nurse called out, "tell your mom to send more diapers; you are running low. I'll send her an email as well. Okay?"

"Okay!" I relied on it on my way out the door.

My next class was history. While I love history, I was dreading having to face those who saw what happened. Apparently word traveled fast because I got a few glances in the hallway, followed by some hushed laughter. I tried to ignore it, but tears started to well up in my eyes again.

Opening the door to my history class, I saw that all the seats were taken except for one in the far corner. As I made my way to my seat, I could feel the eyes on the back of my head and the familiar hushed laughter.

"You're late," said Mr. Davenport, my history teacher.

"Sorry. Won't happen again," I replied without making eye contact and continuing to my seat. As I head to my seat, I see that I am seated by, of all people, Henry. I didn't even realize I had this class with him! As I took my seat, I refused to look at him.

He tapped me on the shoulder and asked again, "Dude, are you good?" I ignored him, and he didn't ask again.

I feel bad for ignoring him, as he was the only one who was at least kind to me, but I couldn't face speaking to him out of embarrassment, so I just continued to ignore him.


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