Chapter 9: The Post

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"Get up dude!" Elliott woke me up by yelling and banging on my door. I had slept through my alarm. I rubbed my eyes.

"Bus will be here in 45 minutes." He said, "Hurry up, I'm not having the bus driver wait up for you."

"Ah shit," I said groggily.

"And it smells like piss in here. Open a window." Elliott said, slamming my door shut. I jumped out of bed, throwing off my shorts and shirt, and ran to the shower in just my full night diaper. As entered the bathroom I ripped that off and hopped in the shower.

Finally, it was Friday. I needed this weekend more than anything. As I went into my mom's room with a towel wrapped around my waist, I tried to fake sick to get out of going to school.

"Not happening sweetie, nice try though." my mom told me, gesturing me to lay on the floor for a diaper change. "Not on your first week. It's only a half day anyway. You can do it." She said as she lifted my butt in the air, placing the back of the diaper underneath me.

"She was right, it was only a half day today and then the weekend." I thought to myself as she placed the front of the diaper over me, wrapping the wings around my waist and pressing down the tapes. I jumped up and she patted my diapered behind and I hurried to my room to get ready.

Elliott and I got on the bus and headed to school. As we got on the bus, the mood changed really quickly. A normal loud bus, we entered and it went from loud to quiet. I tried to ignore it and headed to the back of the bus as I passed people looking at me, snickering.

"What was that all about?" Elliott wondered out loud.

"I don't know," I replied.

Elliott tapped the shoulder of the girl in front of us and asked her, "Yo, what's everyone's deal?"

"Oh, did you not get it?" The girl said turning towards us.

"Get what?" Elliott asked.

"Oh shit," she said looking at her friend. She didn't look like she wanted to break the news to us. She turned on her phone and opened up her messages app.
"This," she said showing us her phone. It was a picture of me with Jacob on the last day of summer from my Instagram. In this picture though, someone photoshopped a diaper over my pants, a pacifier in my mouth, a baby's bonnet on my head, and a rattle in my hand. The word Eli on top of the picture over my head with the caption The Jordan High Diaper Boy on the bottom of the picture.

"Who the hell did that?" Elliott and I asked in unison.

"I don't know," she said. "Someone just posted it to Insta a few minutes ago. It seems to be a new account but a bunch of people from school are following it."

"Shit," I said as Elliott handed her the phone back.

"Is it true?" The girl sitting next to the other asked, "Do you wear diapers?" With that question, we had gotten the attention of most of the bus at this point.

"That's none of your damn business!" Elliott shouted. His words caused the bus to fall silent again. Everyone turned towards us, then away, and continued with whatever they were doing before. The girls also turned around.

"Hey. Thanks for sticking up for me," I whispered to Elliott. "But why are you? I honestly thought you hated me. You always make fun of me for my- you know - situation." I suggested.

"I know," he replied, "and I don't hate you, you're my brother and probably one of my best friends. Only I get to make fun of you." We both laughed.

"Well, thanks again," I said.

Despite that awful picture now seeming to go around, I wasn't super upset about it. Not much worse could happen than what happened yesterday. I'm glad I have a brother that would stick up for me.

As the bus stopped at the school, Elliott and I shuffled out of the bus along with the others.

"See ya later, buddy," Elliott said as he messed with my hair. He knows how much I hate getting called buddy.

I punched him in the arm and replied, "See ya, tool bag." We both shared another laugh and went our separate ways.

Walking through the schoolyard to their front doors, the stares continued along with the all too familiar hushed laughter. Still not used to it, I hurried to the school and my class.

The school day was relatively uneventful at the beginning. No one said anything to me and I was happy that today was a half day. After my second class, I headed to the nurse's office as I had already wet my diaper a few times and it started to get cold and itchy. I got into the office and was greeted by Mrs. Nash.

"Eli, it's good to see you," she said. "You here for the usual."

"Yeah," I replied, already on the way to the private room with the changing table.

Having Mrs. Nash change my diaper once or twice a day was something that I still needed to get used to. As she finished up, one of the assistant principals, Mr. Stevens came into the nurse's office and saw me.

"Oh, hey Eli, you are just the person I am looking for." He said.

"I am?" I questioned. I had forgotten about the post at this point and was confused about why Mr. Stevens would want to see me.

"Yep," he replied, "Could you meet me in my office after you finish up?" He asked.

Mrs. Nash said, "We are done here, you can take him now."

Mr. Stevens and I walked down to his office and he pointed me to the chair across from his desk and asked me to sit.

"So, I was made aware of the picture that was on Instagram this morning. It seems to have been taken down but it is still a big concern for the school. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying." He explained. "Your mother made me aware of your situation. Do you have any idea who would have made that post?"

"Nope. No idea." I said, looking down at the floor.

"You know you can tell me if you do know, we will make sure they are punished," he said after a pause.

"Sorry. I don't know." I replied.

"Okay." he said, "Just know you can talk to me about it if you need to. Your mom doesn't seem too happy about it."

I looked up. "You told her?" I asked.

"Yeah. I called her a few minutes ago," he said.

"Damn," I thought to myself. "This just keeps getting worse, doesn't it."

"Okay, well, looks like we are done here. We will investigate and see if we can find out who did it. If you hear anything, let me know." Mr. Stevens said, "Okay?"

"Okay," I replied.

Mr. Stevens took me back to my class. He dropped me off and I headed for my seat put my arms down on the desk and put my head under my arms.

If only I could just stop pissing myself. If I were more like Elliott I wouldn't be having these issues. Maybe I am being lazy like my parents say. All these things ran through my mind. I started to feel my diaper fill with warm pee again and it just made me angry. I couldn't help it much anymore. I felt like a helpless baby. The final bell finally rang and the weekend was on its way.

Diary of a Diaper BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora