Chapter 20: New Feelings

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Henry POV
Chapter 7: Refer to Henry's last POV

After the first day, I met Eli in that gym class, he became the center of my attention. I honestly may have become obsessed. At first, I had no idea why. He was an ordinary kid, besides the diaper thing of course. I would spend all day during school thinking of him, ways that I could run into him and talk to him. How I could get to sit by him in the classes we had together and what I could say to him when I did get the chance to talk to him.

My mind raced on what to do after the day he stood before me in just a diaper and t-shirt. I wanted to connect with him and while it went well at first, he wasn't having it after the incident. Friday night, after the football game I resorted to what any teenager would do when they were desperate. I found his Instagram and sent him a DM. "Hey. How's it going?" I sent it to him. I awaited a response late into the night, with nothing. I went to bed with the hope that I would receive something overnight.

Again, nothing.

I was not going to give up though. I felt there was something special about Eli. I went to the freshman football game that next day, and I played pretty well, at least I thought so. My dad didn't think so much. He has always been super critical of me. Even on teams where I was far and away the best player, he would treat me like I was one of the worst.

Anyways, in the middle of the 4th quarter, I saw Eli in the stands and started to devise a plan. I couldn't think of much. That was until after the game, Elliott came up to me after the game and invited me to go bowling later that day with a few others on the team.

This was the perfect opportunity. "Mind if I invite Eli along as well," I asked Elliott.

He looked at me and seemed stunned I would ask that. "Sure, I guess if you want to," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

I made my way over to Eli and met his friend Jacob. I invited him along and he and Jacob accepted. I was excited but Eli seemed nervous around me, for whatever reason. I had already seen him beat up and in nothing but a t-shirt and diaper, not much in my mind that he would be nervous about.

Bowling was a good time. Eli and I talked a lot and he started to open up a bit more. I got his number and told him we should hang out more. He seemed happy about that.

We started to hang out more during the school day and ate lunch together. Eli turned out to be a cool guy and a great friend. After a bit, we started to hang out on weekends as well. We slowly started to become best friends.

Eli and I were hanging out at my house one day, playing video games. He had beaten me in a game of Super Smash Bros. and jumped up in celebration. I looked at him and started to smile as he was excited. Looking back on that moment, that is when I started to see him differently and started to feel different feelings when I was around him, feelings that are hard to explain. Like he was my best friend, but something more.

He smiled back at me and sat down next to me and we continued to play. However, my mind was elsewhere as we continued to hang out. I hadn't had those kinds of feelings much before and I was confused. He left to go home soon after and I couldn't stop thinking about him.

In the following days, I would find any kind of excuse to be around Eli. I would try to spend some time with him every day and when we were apart, I looked forward to seeing him again. I was able to figure out his schedule and find ways to run into him in the halls.

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