Chapter 11: Crisis Avoided

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I think it should go without saying I didn't sleep all that well after. I couldn't stop thinking about Henry. What would he have said? I wanted so badly to open the message but I was too nervous to. After a few hours of restlessness, I eventually dozed off.

I was awoken by my dad swinging the door open. "Eli! Get ready, we gotta get going." He said, "Me and Elliott have to get to the football game. Your mom is leaving in 20 minutes."

Elliott's games were on Saturdays, that is when the 9th graders play. I had completely forgotten about it.

I groggily rubbed my eyes and looked at my dad. Something was different. I took a breath and noticed that my room smelled like a locker room. I then noticed that I was lying down in bed, my blanket and sheets, damp and cold. The smell of urine was palpable.

My dad shut the door, didn't seem he noticed. I pulled the covers off me and saw my sheets and blanket, soaked in urine. "God damnit." I thought to myself. I had forgotten to get a diaper change before bed, my diaper had become loose as I was tossing and turning all night, and I had defiantly filled it over its capacity overnight. As I stood up, the diaper sagged almost down to my knees and was nearly falling off, soaked, damp, and cold.

I ripped my shirt off, throwing it in with my sheets and blanket as I took them off the bed. I threw the pile of urine-soaked stuff in the corner of my room and waddled my way to the bathroom.

I got a look at myself in the mirror, my blonde hair all over the place, and a yellow-soaked and saggy diaper around my waist. I seriously looked more like a baby than ever before. I ripped my diaper off, threw it in the garbage, and hopped in the shower.

A few minutes in, my mom came knocking on the door saying, "Eli, hurry up! We gotta be gone in ten minutes."

I turned off the shower wrapped myself in a towel and hurried into my room. I remembered my sheets grabbed them and threw them into the washer before my mom could see them. I then got back into my room.

"Hurry up Eli." I heard my mother say, "We gotta go."

In the rush, I instinctively grabbed a diaper. "You know what, I think I can do without," I thought to myself. "I'm pretty bad at changing myself anyway." My mom was too preoccupied with getting my younger brothers ready to go to change me anyway. I grabbed a pair of underwear and put it on. It had been a while since I had actual underwear on. I threw on a black Adidas shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants threw on my Crocs and headed out the door.

"Let's go, we are already late." My mother yelled as she was pulling my sister to the car, I followed. As she was buckling them in, she stopped. "Oh no. Eli, I forgot to change you."

"It's okay Mom. I put on a pull-up, I'll be fine. I've been better at making it to the toilet recently as well." I lied

"Okay, good," she said jumping into the driver's seat, with me next to her in the passenger side. Off we went. The football game was at another school and a few miles away.

We got the football game late but we're able to get some good seats. We sat down and met up with Jacob and his parents who were meeting us there to support Elliott. I'm not too familiar with football and don't get it to be honest, so I spent most of the time talking to Jacob about his new school. He had already made a few friends from the basketball team and in his classes. His school sounded so cool!

Midway through the 3rd quarter, I had felt the urge to pee. I said, "I have to go to the bathroom." and left to go to the porta potties behind the bleachers.

"I'll come with," said Jacob and he followed.

As we were walking there the urge suddenly became very strong. I started to pick up the pace and when we got the porta potties, all of them were being used and there was a short line for each. "Shit," I said.

I started to look around for any other porta potties while doing a bit of the potty dance.

"Let's try the school," Jacob said pulling at my hand.

We hurried over to the side doors of the school. Locked. "Let's try the other ones," Jacob said, sensing my urgency.

At that point, it was too late. A heavy stream of warm pee started to darken my gray sweats in the front and continued down the sides of both my legs. The warm pee went down my legs and started to fill my crocs with urine. By the time the stream had ended, the front of my pants had darkened significantly and my crocs were filled with pee. "Damn." I said looking up at the ceiling near the doors, "It's too late now."

Jacob turned around and saw me. "Oh, shit dude. That's bad." he said looking at me puzzled, "Don't you wear diapers for that?" he asked puzzled.

"Yeah, no duh it's bad," I said sarcastically, tears welling up in my eyes. "I know. I told my mom I put one on this morning but didn't." I said frustrated, "I can't go back there, everyone will see me and my mom will kill me."

An awkward silence ensued as we both were thinking about what to do, Jacob piped up, "I got an idea. I've got some shorts in my mom's car." He said turning towards the parking lot. "You stay right there. I'll be back in a few."

After a few minutes, he came back with a pair of black athletic shorts and a plastic Walmart bag and handed them to me. "Here you go." He said. "I'll turn my back and shield you, get yourself changed.

"Thanks, dude. You're the best." I said.

"I know," he said smiling as he turned around to shield me. "Next time. Don't be running around without some protection. Seems you need it more than ever."

I took off my Crocs, turned them over let out the pee still in them, and quickly changed into the shorts, they were a bit big on me but I made them work. I put my wet underwear and sweats in the plastic bag and just threw them away on our way back to our seats.

We got back to our seats. Jacob's mom saw me and asked, "What's with the shorts Eli? They seem a bit too big for you." she laughed.

"Yeah, they are," I replied chuckling. "They are Jacob's. The pants I was wearing are making me too hot and he let me borrow them."

We sat down and finished watching the game. They ended up losing by a few points, like I cared anyway.

I'm sure lucky Jacob was there today. If I had walked up to my mom with soaking wet pants, who knows what would happen? With me pooping in my diaper yesterday and the long history of accidents, she probably would make me walk around in nothing but a diaper 24/7, just to make sure I had one on.

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