Chapter 8: Eli's No Good Very Bad Day

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The rest of the school day I could hear the hushed laughter and whispers behind my back. I tried to ignore them but that is easier said than done. I got out of that history class as fast as I could and I only had math class left and then I could go home. One problem arose that I didn't think of, Alec was in the class with me. I had to come up with a plan.

How can I still go to class and be unnoticed? I asked myself. I had become somewhat good at being unnoticed over the last few days, so it should come easy.

The plan I eventually came up with was to sneak into the back and try to avoid him. All I had to do was get through class undetected. I avoided eye contact with the teacher, Ms. Ellis was her name, and I wouldn't raise my hand for anything. I managed to get into class without anybody noticing me.

Ms. Ellis soon started the class and continued the lesson on algebra that we were learning about. She was writing equations on the board and asking the class questions to solve the problems. I was way too worried about Alec seeing me not paying any attention.

Midway through class, I felt the strong urge to pee again. I started to squirm a bit but I couldn't ask to use the restroom now, it would ruin my plan. Most of the class probably knows about my diapers now too anyway.

As I sat there preoccupied with my sudden urge to pee, I heard the last thing I wanted to hear. "Eli," Ms. Ellis said.

"Huh," I replied as I turned my attention to her.

"Are you paying attention?" She asked.

"Uh... No, not really," I replied sheepishly. The class burst into laughter. Ms. Ellis looked and smiled at me, not the good kind of smile though, like an angry kind of smile.

"How about you come up to the front of the class and help me solve this problem then?" she said.

As she said that way too familiar feeling of warm pee filling my diaper. I felt the diaper expand and the warm pee went down the diaper as I got up and went to the front of the class.

As I made the walk up to the front of the class I could again feel the eyes on the back of my neck and hear the the hushed laughter. The problem was a basic algebra problem. Solve for x. 2x+3x=15 was written on the whiteboard.

"Okay. Mr. Davis, since you think you're so smart and didn't feel the need to pay attention. How about you solve this problem?" Ms. Ellis said. I sat there staring at the problem but it wasn't math that was running through my head, it was so many other things. I could easily solve this problem as I somewhat enjoy math, but obviously, today was not my day.

"Uh... 7." Is all that I could get to come out of my mouth after a minute of staring at it. A few giggles came from one of my classmates.

"No. It's not 7," said Ms. Ellis, "How about you phone a friend?"

As I looked at the sea of kids, I saw a hand shoot up, it was Alec's. There wasn't anybody I wanted to hear from less than Alec. I kept scanning the class, trying to avoid calling on him but Ms. Ellis interrupted and called on Alec saying, "Looks like Alec wants to help you, Eli. what do you have Alec?"

Alec looked at me and grinned and proudly exclaimed, "x is 3 Ms. Ellis." As he answered, he kept his eyes on me and kept his annoying grin on his face. This just made me angry as I clenched the dry-erase marker in my hand, knuckles turning white.

"That's correct." Ms. Ellis did, breaking my rage. "You can go ahead and sit down Eli. Maybe pay attention a bit more." I made the walk of shame back to my desk and when I got there, I put my head into my arms on the desk, just hoping this day would be over.

The final bell finally came and I rushed out of class. "Hey, Diaper boy!" I heard Alec call out after me in the hallway, followed by a few laughs and people turning to face me.

I ignored him and headed for the bus stop. I got on the bus and sat near the back alone. Elliott got on the bus shortly after as he doesn't have football practice on Thursdays after school. He sat next to me.

"How did your day go?" he asked.

"Kinda shit," I replied

"Yeah, I kinda heard about that," Elliott replied with a small smirk. "You doing all right?" he asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it," I said looking at him and turning away. "Just please don't tell mom or dad," I asked.

"I won't." He said. The rest of the bus ride home was pretty quiet.

I didn't want my mom or dad to find out because I felt that it was partially my fault. I mean, if I could stop having these accidents none of this would be happening. I wouldn't be made fun of or laughed at. I wouldn't have to zip through the halls trying to avoid others in case they found out about what I wear underneath my clothes. I would feel comfortable to sit in the cafeteria and eat, not to hide behind the vending machines.

Upon arriving home I went straight to my room and shut the door. Still angry about what happened, I threw my backpack on the floor. I then pulled down my pants ripped my half-used diaper off and threw it at the wall with all my force. Pulling my pants back up I hopped in my bed, shoving my face into my pillow, and started to cry. I cried and cried for what seemed like 30 minutes, and I eventually dozed off and fell asleep.

I woke up a few hours later, feeling refreshed. I then felt cold and clammy, as I lifted my body, I noticed the large wet stain I had left on my bed sheet.

"Ah, shit," I said, jumping off my bed and ripping off my wet shorts. I then threw a blanket over the wet spot I left. I looked for the diaper I threw off earlier and tried to salvage it and put it back on. I didn't do a very good job but it stayed on. My mom would not be happy if she found out I took it off and pissed on my bed.

I then headed to the kitchen and there was some dinner left over for me. Elliott and Dad were at their late-night practice and my mom and sister were doing other things. I ate dinner alone that night and played some games. I felt so alone like no one understood what I was going through. I finished my game and went to my mom's room for a change and to go to bed.

I was happy this day was over. It was one no good very bad day, maybe the worst day ever.

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