Chapter 15

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The blonde man had awoken from his bed, pulling his worn covers over once more. He gazed at himself in the mirror, quickly brushing through his messy hair before tying his classic jacket around his waist.

He looked outside, gazing at the peculiar color of the sky.

It was bright red and smokey, causing him to cringe.

"I'm the only one who can stop this... Maybe my curse is a blessing in disguise," He thought to himself, stepping outside of his house and into the city.

All other forms of life have perished here. He was the last one living in the city, determination to stop the wretched beast running throughout his entire body.

Every single step that he took painted his shoes in blood, but he tried to ignore the queasiness that he felt from it.

His forehead and arms were almost always shiny from his sweat, and he clenched his fists tightly, ready to fight at any given moment.

He knew about something in the world that could empower him to stop all of this madness, and he was willing to play the role of the entire world's hero. If he was lucky enough to get his hands on it, then the world would be saved.

His name was Kenny McCormick, the bravest of them all. He knew the tragedy of Tweek Tweak all too well, feeling saddened from his poor friend's unfortunate fate. The other blonde never had it easy ever since Craig, as known as Xeno, had ascended to earth. He was an easy target since he was so skittish and weak. His smarts were off the charts, but they were never enough to save him from the terrible deaths that he had to deal with every day.

Kenny was sick of seeing how certain people were getting treated. The entire city's town had been wiped out by him.

The worst part about it all is that he knew he was never safe, either. Kenny was born with the ability to never die, something he thought of as a blessing in his life right about now.

He took in a deep breath before he ran straight ahead, turning his aqua eyes side to side to see if the coast was clear.


And then...

It happened. He was met with the man in question, his sweat coming down even harder.

"You...!" He grimaced, running towards the figure.

He disappeared.

Kenny turned his head, seeing Xeno behind him. He ran towards him again, his fists clenched tightly. He was prepared to fight him.

He disappeared.

The blonde turned his head once more, and Craig appeared behind him again.

"You bastard...!" He grimaced.

He disappeared.

"Why don't you play by the rules...?" A deep voice questioned, followed by a mimicking laugh.

Kenny's eyes widened. His skin paled. He hadn't even a moment to think about what was happening.

The black haired man reached through Kenny's back as if it were nothing, gripping his beating heart and ripped it right out of his body. A hole was punched right through his chest.

The blonde's eyes shook, unable to even process the pain as cold, red, blood dripped down his body quickly.

Craig let go of him.

Kenny's body hit the ground, drowning in his own blood. He had died with his eyes wide open.

The blonde man had awoken from his bed, pulling his worn covers over once more. He gazed at himself in the mirror, quickly brushing through his messy hair before tying his classic jacket around his waist.

He looked outside, gazing at the peculiar color of the sky.

It was bright red and smokey, causing him to cringe.

"I'm the only one who can stop this... Maybe my curse is a blessing in disguise," He thought to himself, stepping outside of his house and into the city.

This time, he ran straight ahead and did not look back once. He knew that he would just be toyed with again. Kenny jumped onto one of the walls of the buildings, climbing up the sides of it to reach the roof.

Maybe if he kept high ground, he wouldn't be seen. He ran ahead quickly, even jumping off and gliding to other buildings.

He ran as quickly as he could, having not seen him once this time. And then...

He fell straight through the floor. Before he even had the time to take, something slimy with about a million spikes slammed on either side of his body.

It was a giant Venus fly trap type creature. It opened, then closed, opened, then closed...

Kenny didn't even scream. He felt the pain of his body being crushed and stabbed repeatedly, though still gave it his all as he attempted to crawl out of the wretched thing.

Of course he couldn't escape. He never did.

"Watch your step...," The same voice laughed menacingly. He had sat it there on purpose, enjoying playing with Kenny's feelings. He always found it humorous that the blonde man was so full of determination, only to break him down again and again.

It is what brought him joy.

The blonde man had awoken from his bed, pulling his worn covers over once more. He gazed at himself in the mirror, quickly brushing through his messy hair before tying his classic jacket around his waist.

He looked outside, gazing at the peculiar color of the sky.

It was bright red and smokey, causing him to cringe.

"I'm the only one who can stop this... Maybe my curse is a blessing in disguise," He thought to himself, stepping outside of his house and into the city.

He stepped out into the city again. Without even looking, he ran straight ahead and made sure to keep his eyes glued on the ground this time. He was not about to live that terrible fate again.

And then...

Two hands appeared from the ceiling, gripping onto them harshly.

His arms were torn from his body.

Kenny dropped to the floor, dead.

The blonde man had awoken from his bed, pulling his worn covers over once more. He gazed at himself in the mirror, quickly brushing through his messy hair before tying his classic jacket around his waist.

He looked outside, gazing at the peculiar color of the sky.

It was bright red and smokey, causing him to cringe.

"I'm the only one who can stop this... Maybe my curse is a blessing in disguise," He thought to himself, stepping outside of his house and into the city.

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