Chapter 16

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The alternate felt a danger as he had awoken from his sleep, staring over his lover with both of his eyes.

"...Please understand what I have to do. I must leave for a brief amount of time," Wasp presses a kiss to Stan's cheek before slipping out of bed, pulling the navy blue blanket over his body.

The alternate's body then began to stretch, growing to be about 8 feet and 3 inches tall. His arms grew so long that they dragged on the floor, claw-like hands following after his lengthy figure. His eyes merged into one large, endless void, once more. The twisted smile grew upon his face.

He carefully opened Stan's window quietly, assuring that he would not awaken the black haired boy.

The creature crawled down the walls of the house, landing quietly on his feet.

His natural instincts were like a switch in his brain, and they were certainly on right now.

He longed for violence, making his mark on the world.

It was raining hard, pouring over his head.

The steeetlamps were burning through the cloak of the fog as he dragged his long arms along with him down the road.

Wasp was making his way towards one of his favorite places to hang out in, the forest. His clawed fingers were dragging through the mud, and his legs continued to tread on forwards.

He stood in one spot and waited. Fate would bring him something for him to murder, he thought. He stood there patiently. He closed his eye, resting it for the time that he needed to wait.

He heard something coming, something running quickly and crying. It ran into the creature, frightening him.

Before he could even process what it was, he opened his eye and stared directly at them.

It was the spiky haired blonde, which seemed to be missing an eye. He was crying hard, tears running down one side of his face. On the other, well... Blood. Blood ran down his face.

Wasp screamed at the top of his lungs upon feeling Tweek bump into him, his mouth stretching tall to allow him to scream as loud as he possibly could.

He wasn't the only one who screamed, either. Tweek screamed as he felt a pain in his head, holding onto it tightly. Wasp had ruptured his eardrums.

He turned back around where he came from and did not look back.

Wasp dragged his lengthy form along with him throughout the forest, keeping an eye out for who may be around. If that boy was screaming bloody murder, missing an eye, and crying hard... Something had come to him.

It then hit Wasp. It was King X. He was here, and he was running after that boy.

Wasp felt a sense of fear come over him. He cannot stand his king. In fact, he hates him! He turned his back and ran as quickly as he could in front of the forest.

He took notice of a small and young boy who was crying on the sidewalk. He had black hair and fair skin.

The creature stopped in place, analyzing him. He looked to be lost and all alone.

Wasp was familiar with children who had been abandoned by their parents. It happened all of the time where he came from, but it hurt him to see it nonetheless. Wasp always felt parental instincts within himself whenever incidents like this would occur.

He steps back, not wanting to frighten the lost child.

He cannot help but to feel worried, hoping that King X had not taken notice of him. The black haired man murders any kind of lifeform that he comes into contact with.

Wasp still felt murderous instincts at times, but he was much better at controlling them than Craig ever was. He decides that if he wanted to save this child, he would have to act quickly. The creature carefully forms himself back into his appearance of when he disguised himself ad Kyle.

"...Come with me. We have to leave. Please stop your crying," He spoke softly, grabbing the boy in his arms and began to ran.

"Kyle...?" The boy whimpers, hugging onto the redhead tightly.

Wasp seemed to be a little bit shocked once he heard the boy say his 'name.'

"Yes. It's me. Come on, I am taking you to Stan's house," He explained, running as fast as he could back to Stan's house. He would have crawled back into Stan's window if he was alone, but he had to approach the situation as if he were a human.

"Kyle...," The boy whimpers, hugging onto his leg tightly.

The redhead ruffles the boy's dark hair, feeling as if he had to comfort him. He doesn't know why, but he feels like he had to protect this boy.

The alternate carefully shapes his finger as if it were a key, picking the lock to Stan's house. He made sure that the boy would not take notice to that and feel frightened by him. He took the boy up to Stan's room, shaking the black haired boy awake.

"Stan," He says with a worried tone in his voice.

"Mmm..," Stan rises awake slowly, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah...?"

"I found this boy crying on the streets. He knows who I am," He explains.

"I thought that my big brother was dead...," The smaller boy cries out, hugging onto Wasp tightly.

"Wait... Ike?!" Stan's jaw drops in awe. He thought that all of Kyle's family had died, including him. He hugs Ike tightly, his eyes shaking a bit. Stan's own family had been missing for awhile. He had no hope in them coming back.

"...Ike?" The alternate questions, hugging the child back softly.

"You can stay here with us, Ike. Don't go outside, okay?" Stan kneels in front of the black haired boy.

"Okay...," Ike nods his head. He looks exhausted.

"Poor thing...," Stan huffs, pulling his covers over and places Ike inside. "You can sleep in there. I have to talk to Kyle," Stan grabs the alternate's hand, pulling him out of the room. 

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