Chapter Sixteen

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"She hasn't even been gone 24 hours and you're spying on her." annoyed, I put the documents on my desk. "What do you want?" I ask.

Mauro puts his feet on my table and chews his gum loudly. „Of course know what you found out."

I promised Lorena I wouldn't spy on her, but what does she expect? She's my wife and doesn't even have the decency to spend the wedding night with me. Well, more like wedding morning, but the point is that I hate not having control over a situation. Knowledge is power.

"What my wife does and doesn't do is not in your interest. I would advise you to get your feet off my fucking table before I chop them off."

Reluctantly, he puts his feet down and walks out of my office. Presently, I have found out that Lorena has arrived safely in Connecticut and is currently in the hospital.

Who the hell is she visiting?

My phone rings and I see that Vitello is calling. He is my private investigator. "Si?" "Don, she's visiting someone called Matteo." I try not to break my phone and hiss, "What did you find out about him?"

"Nothing yet, but-" "Vitello you have already blown one job. It shows great kindness that I gave you a second chance. I'd recommend you don't call me again until you find out a hell of a lot more."

I throw my phone angrily against the wall and run my hands through my hair.

What is this woman doing to me?


Just as I landed, I picked up phone and switched off the flight mode. My silly heart thought that at least I had received a missed message from Dante. Which, of course, is not the case.

Sighing, I pull my suitcase with me and walk out of the airport. I get into a taxi and give him the address.

On the way to the hospital, many different thoughts come to my mind. I hate being here, but I have no choice. I have to come here once a month to see Henry. It would never be an option for Helen to take him and bring him to me.

But to remember what happened and to remember my strength, I have to face my demons and go to the hospital.

"Miss, we have arrived." The taxi driver pulls me out of my thoughts. I smile apologetically at him and pay for the ride.

I get out and look at the big building. "Okay, Lorena, you can do this. It's not the first time. It's the same every month," I mumble to myself as I walk in.

"Hello, I'm here to see Matteo Castio." When I say his name, a shiver runs down my spine. "Ah hello Lorena I haven't seen you for a while. He's still in the same room. You can go up." She says while smiling at me.

I nod and pull my suitcase behind me. I go to the lift and the rest works automatically. I go to the fourth floor and stand in front of room 402.

I knock, even though I know it's superfluous, because he can't hear me. I exhale one last time and open the door. There he is, looking almost like the eighteen-year-old boy I knew back then.

In the last five years he has grown a beard, which is always trimmed by the nurses so that he doesn't look like a caveman.

"Hello.", I clear my throat. "I haven't been here for a long time. I've been busy." I shake my head at myself. I don't need to explain myself. "Mamma told me I have to remember it wasn't my fault. It's not my fault," I say as tears spring to my eyes.

I open my mouth to add something as the door opens. "Ah Miss Castio, we haven't seen you for a while. How are you?" 

"Dr. Bernstein thank you for asking I am fine. What is his condition?"

"I have good news the swelling in his brain has reduced. There is hope for recovery. We can't explain how this is possible after five years, but you know there are unexplained medical miracles."

I get dizzy and suddenly black out.


I open my eyes with a groan. My head hurts and I hear my heart pounding in my ears.

"Welcome back Miss Castio. You gave us a fright. The good news literally knocked you out.", Dr Bernstein smiles at me motherly.

I groane. That was clear once again. I really have to pull myself together and not let my feelings guide me all the time. "Um... can I go?" I ask.

"Yes, you have a small laceration on your forehead. We used glue so it doesn't need to be stitched. You can wash it off after a few days. Please drink plenty of water. I'm sure we'll see each other again." She smiles at me and then leaves my room.

I slowly get up from the bed and see my suitcase next to the door. I take my suitcase and quickly disappear from the room.

I've been in this hospital long enough. Now I finally have to go and see Henry. And not let myself be distracted any more.

When I am outside, I approach one of the taxis and give them the address. During the ride, I think about what the possible awakening of Matteo could mean for me.

Sadly, the first thing I think of is Dante. If he learns the truth, he will never forgive me. But it shouldn't matter.

I don't know why it's so important to me that he doesn't learn the truth. I shouldn't care what he thinks. But deep in my heart I do care what he thinks of me and that scares me.

I don't know what my life will be like when I finish the journey in Connecticut. Somehow it makes me sad to think that we can fall into old patterns. When we got married we got along very well towards the end of the night, or more than well. But after my departure I can't imagine that we will still have a good relationship.

But that's a worry for another time. The taxi driver stops in front of the big house.

I notice how my heart beats faster and my hands start to sweat. I give the taxi driver the money and get out. With my suitcase in my hand, I slowly walk towards the house. I need a few more minutes before I dare to ring the doorbell.

I ring the bell and the door is pulled open. A little boy with green eyes looks at me radiantly and shouts „Mamma."

And with these five letters I know that nothing in the world can harm me.

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