Chapter One

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"Please! I promise that I can get it to you. I just need more time."

"Ha! I've heard that excuse too many times," Wonwoo scoffed, pushing his gun to the pathetic man's head. "I gave you a chance, and you knew the consequences. This is entirely your fault."

The man began to plead, "I have a fam-"

"I don't care." Wonwoo fired the weapon. A loud bang sounded, and the bullet entered the man's temple. The body limply fell to the ground. "When will people learn?" He sneered, kicking the body away from him.

The silence followed by the gunshot was chilling. No noise of life outside of the deathly alleyway. It had even put Wonwoo on edge, especially while working alone, which was usual.

Shoving his pistol into his holster, Wonwoo kicked the body one last time. He was quite a nuisance while alive.

"You done yet?" A grainy voice came over Wonwoo's earpiece. "Y'know DK is getting tired of waiting for your ass."

"Yeah, whatever. He can pick me up now."

Wonwoo turned to leave, ready to get home and take a shower, but stopped as a slow creaking camefrom behind. Spinning around, Wonwoo pulled out his pistol, aiming at the ajar door. "Who's there?"

"Papa?" A small, squeaky voice said, staying hidden behind the door.

"What the fu-" Wonwoo lowered his gun.

"Papa!" The voice said again, fully opening the door and running to the dead body.

"Oh no," Wonwoo groaned. A little girl no older than five was kneeling at her dead dad's body, trying to shake him awake.

"Sir." The little girl looked up at Wonwoo with tears in her eyes. "Why isn't my papa waking up?"

A string of curses ran through Wonwoo's mind, only not leaving his mouth because of the child. "Where is your mom?"

Unfortunately, asking that was just as bad as telling the girl that her father had been murdered.

The girl's tears spilled, and she began to sniffle. "My mama died."

Wonwoo's heart ached as the child cried. He had never experienced this—someone finding the body of their loved one. And even if he did, he wouldn't have cared. It's their fault they're dead. He's just the one carrying it out. But this hurt him.

"Is my papa dead too?" She asked, looking directly into Wonwoo's eyes, nose runny and cheeks wet.

"Uhh." How are you supposed to tell a kid that their dad is dead, especially if you were the one who killed them? But when her innocent eyes peered into him, he couldn't not give her an answer. "Yes." It was far from a decent answer, but at least it's done.

Naturally, the girl's crying increased.

"Damnit," Wonwoo cursed under his breath. In a strange moment of instinct, Wonwoo slowly neared the girl, making sure his gun was safely tucked away. "Hey, it's okay." He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, knowing it was far from okay.

Unknowing of Wonwoo's involvement, the girl hugged his leg, crying into it. Someone needed to teach this kid about stranger danger.

Wonwoo didn't know what to do. He couldn't just leave the kid in a dirty alleyway by her dead father, but it's not like he could take care of her. There was no place for a mafia assassin to be taking care of a child. But, again, he couldn't leave her here. "Hey. I'm going to take you back with me and find a place for you to stay. Okay?" He couldn't believe he was doing this.

The little girl nodded her head and tried to hug Wonwoo.

 With a soft sigh, Wonwoo leaned down and picked the girl up. Carrying the girl out of the alleyway, Wonwoo asked, "What's your name?"

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