Chapter Seventeen

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A spy. A spy in Seventeen. It's nearly impossible for anyone to get into the upper ranks, let alone a spy. Surely, S.Coups was just paranoid, but the nervousness in S.Coups' stance tempted Wonwoo to think otherwise.

But if there is a spy, who?

Wonwoo's thoughts were running wild, and the grip on the steering wheel strengthened. He shook his head. At least this got him off early.

Misun would still be in school for a couple more hours, so the apartment would be quiet. He knew he should probably tidy up a bit, maybe grab more food since they were running low, but Wonwoo didn't want that.

He was tired, and he could finally take a nap. Misun usually required too much attention for him to get one.

After a few more minutes of driving, Wonwoo's apartment came into view. He turned into the parking garage, searching for a parking spot. It was surprisingly busy in the middle of the day. Didn't these people have jobs?

Wonwoo found a spot far away from the elevator. He groaned as he stepped out of his car. His leg hurt more than he cared to admit. Maybe it was a good thing that S.Coups was forcing him to get it fixed.

He limped through the parking lot. It was annoyingly slow. As he approached the elevator, a car caught his eye. It looked suspiciously like DK's. Wonwoo rolled his eyes. The pain must be making him see things.

Wonwoo used the elevator to bring him to his floor for the first time since his last injury.

The elevator dinged as it reached the seventeenth floor, and Wonwoo stumbled out. He really could use a couple of extra hours of sleep.


Wonwoo groaned before he saw the man's face.

"I have something great to tell you!" DK rushed over to Wonwoo, falling in place beside him. "Do you need help?"

"No," Wonwoo grumbled. "What is it?"

"I think I found a solution to your problem."

"What problem?"

"The one where you're responsible for a kid," DK laughed.

Wonwoo side-eyed him. "She's not a problem."

DK shrugged. "Yeah, but I did what you asked. I found a potential family."

Planting his feet on the ground, Wonwoo nearly fell forward as he turned to DK, stunned. "You did?"

"Yep. They want a daughter but don't want to worry about getting a boy." DK rolled his eyes. "A little bit silly. And they want her to be around Misun's age, plus raised right." He added the last part in finger quotations. "I told them you were a bigshot businessman."

"Are you sure they're right for her?" Wonwoo sighed.

"Oh, for sure!" DK ecstatily nodded. "Very rich. I bet they would spoil her. Plus, they're very friendly. It's almost too much."

"Okay then. I want to meet them first, though." Wonwoo said, reaching the door.

"Don't trust my taste?" DK laughs, slapping him in the arm.

"Ow." Wonwoo grabbed his injured arm.

"Oh, sorry. Anyway, I'll schedule a meeting."

Wonwoo unlocked the door. "Goodbye, DK."

"Bye." He walked away.

Slamming the door behind him, Wonwoo immediately went for the couch.

His 'problem' was solved. This is what he needed to get done, and it was done for him, but Wonwoo didn't feel good. He felt like shit.

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