Chapter Thirty-One

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Once Amy had collected the scattered cash, she quickly retreated into the back while Jun and Wonwoo debated the best way to bring out the heavy boxes of weapons.

"Help me lift this thing," Jun groaned as he tried to bear the weight.

"No." Wonwoo's hand flitted to his pistol hidden away. The uneasy feeling he had earlier was stronger now that Amy had removed herself from the scene. "You work out. You can get it."

"You're stronger than me," Jun complained. "And you work out, too."

Wonwoo pursed his lips. He had worked out before Misun, but with the kid in his life, he never had the time. Maybe, once he made it to safety, he could pick up the habit again. The thought only made him sad. "One of us needs to play guard. We both know who will be better at that."

"We're equally skilled," Jun huffed, lifting the first package.

"I'm the better option right now because your arm is injured." Wonwoo cooly looked at Jun, his eyes blank. "And I'm slightly better."

Jun rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"Let's get out of here," Wonwoo grunted. They'd already spent too much time hanging around. "We'll get the first box to the car, then you drive it back here, and I'll load the rest up."

Nodding in agreement, Jun followed Wonwoo as they left the building.

After carefully looking around the shadow-shrowded street, Wonwoo waved Jun out and led him to the car parked halfway on the sidewalk.

Wonwoo kept a careful eye on every moving thing and anything that had changed since they entered the store nearly half an hour ago. One car had left the parrel parking spots on the other side of the street, and two more had parked there, leaving a total of three vehicles. Narrowing his eyes at the newcomers, Wonwoo tried to find any notable feature that would mark it as a car for Seventeen. The only features were the tinted windows and dark color of one of the cars.

But even that was enough to set Wonwoo on edge.

"Hurry," Wodnwoo spoke through gritted teeth. "Drive back, and I'll meet you with the second load."

It was a crude way of forcing the car up the sidewalk and driving it down the constrained alleyway, but it wasn't Jun or Wonwoo's first time using the tactic. Wonwoo hoped it would be the last.

"Be quick." Jun glanced around anxiously. He was growing suspicious as well.

The growing, uncomfortable feeling spurred, and the time crunch Dino had devised for them spurred Wonwoo on as he sprinted back to the store, only half-worried something would happen to Jun.

Usually, Jun could fend for himself, but his damaged arm, which he had just put under stress, would hinder him if someone approached him up close.

When Wonwoo reentered, the store was still empty. He hurried through the store until he reached the counter and hazardly picked up the second box, almost hurting his back in the process.

By the time Wonwoo was out, Jun had successfully brought the car up, perfectly positioned to dart out from the right if anybody tried to stop them. However, the escape would mean narrowly crashing Jun's vehicle.

Wonwoo groaned as he lifted the box and carefully placed it in the trunk. He slammed it shut and ran back in for the last two. Jun's car was sadly tiny, which meant Wonwoo needed the back seat for the last two boxes.

Thankfully, the third box seemed to be the lightest, and Wonwoo easily lifted it and delivered it to the awaiting Jun.

"Anything?" Wonwoo asked, sliding the box on the floor.

Jun shook his head. "Not yet."

A chilly wind swept through the alleyway as Wonwoo entered the store one last time. He used the opportunity to pull his jacket tighter around him before lifting the final box.

Wonwoo let out an involuntarily pained grunt as he tried to lift the box. It felt like Amy had poured two boxes worth of content into one.

Gritting his teeth, Wonwoo pulled the box up and started toward the door, straining his arms and going as fast as he could, which was a pathetic, slow walk. Thankfully, he had left the door ajar. Wonwoo stuck his foot in the crack and pulled the door open.

A bang rang out as soon as Wonwoo took his first step out. Metal hit metal as a bullet collided against the side of the car—another bang, then another, and another.

"Hurry!" Jun yelled as if Wonwoo needed extra motivation.

With newfound energy, Wonwoo sprinted toward the car, using it as cover as bullets rained around him. Wonwoo threw the box in the back seat with little concern for the goods inside. Jumping in behind the wooden box, Wonwoo grabbed the door handle and slammed it shut behind him.

"Drive!" Wonwoo roared.

As Wonwoo originally predicted, a truck was stationed longwise against the entrance into the passageway the two drove the car through. Yet, no one had thought to station a blockade on the narrow path exit.

Most people would take one glance at it and shake their heads, believing there's no way a car could make it through.

Jun stomped on the gas. The unbuckled Wonwoo and the unsecured box flew forward, roughly colliding with the back of the front seats.

Behind the car, more shots rang out. Their sound was quickly reduced as a greater, grinding noise abused Wonwoo and Jun's ears.

The car's sides were grated against the walls on either side. The noise was shrill and awful. It screamed through Wonwoo's ears, and he had to resisted the urge to cover his ears.

Their escape only guaranteed they would escape the hidden away alleyway. These guys wouldn't let him and Jun get away without a chase.

"Hold on!" Jun warned. He put all his force into the gas, lurching them forward the rest of the way. The car rattled as they exited, leaping from the tight space to the road.

Cars honked and swerved out of the way of the assassin's vehicle.

With the driving becoming somewhat smoother, a wicked smile spread across Wonwoo's lips. Dipping down, he reached under the seat and pulled out his sniper.

It had been a while since he had a good car chase. Wonwoo had discovered one thing about himself. When everything in his life was falling to shambles, sniping down some assholes who were trying to kill you from a moving vehicle really cheered him up.

"Hey! Can I get a gun," Jun yelled.

"Can you handle it?" Wonwoo had already chucked a pistol into the center console.

"You forget who you're talking to."

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