Chapter Five

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"Why are there so many blue kindergartens!" Wonwoo groaned. After two days of searching whenever he had time, which ended up not being a lot of time with work and a needy child, Wonwoo searched nearly twenty blue or blue-ish colored schools.

Misun ran to Wonwoo, clumsily jumping on the couch and pushing off the pillows. "What are you looking at?"

"I'm trying to find your school." Wonwoo shared the laptop screen with the girl. "Want to help?"

"Yes!" Misun cheered, excitedly clapping. The action brought a soft smile to Wonwoo. Instinctively, he patted her head and ruffled her hair, causing Misun to burst into giggles.

Wonwoo scrolled through the different options he found, and Misun answered no to all of them, except for one that she asked to go to because it had a better playground, but it still wasn't her school.

"Nope. No. Not again," She laughed through her answers, apparently immensely enjoying this. While Wonwoo was glad that one of them was having a good time, he couldn't help but be concerned that her laughs meant she was playing a joke on him, and he had already crossed her school off the list.

"You're sure you haven't seen it yet?" Wonwoo asked as he neared the last four schools he found.

"Mhmm." Misun nodded. "I'm sure."

Wonwoo shrugged and continued to scroll.

"No again, and again. Oh! There's my school!" Misun stood and jumped on the couch, which Wonwoo quickly stopped.

"You're sure?"

"Yep!" Misun pointed at the picture showing a swingset. "That's where me and my friends play!"

"Great! You'll go back on Monday then."

Misun clapped again before hugging Wonwoo's side. "Thank you, Uncle Wonu!"

"You're welcome." Any stress Wonwoo felt from painstakingly searching for the right school dissolved after only a few minutes with Misun. It was impossible not to be affected by her cuteness and innocence. Wonwoo wasn't used to it, either. His life was filled with death, stress, and sometimes torture, but the little light that had entered was a refreshment.


"Wonu! Uncle Wonwo!" Misun ran out of her room, yelling for Wonwoo."

"Hmm? What is it?" Wonwoo asked, placing down two bowls of cereal. "Do you need help with school?"

"Yep!" Holding her hand to Wonwoo, Misun beams, bouncing on her feet from excitement. "Can you do my hair?"

Taking the hair ties from Misun, Wonwoo appeared confused. "Yeah, I can try."

"Do braids!"

"Oh- I don't know how."

"Oh. It's okay," Misun said, enthusiasm draining from her face.

"I can learn! It can't be that hard." Wonwoo shrugged. "Just eat your breakfast first, okay?"

Misun ran to hug Wonwoo's leg. "Thank you!" She squeals.

Picking up the girl, Wonwoo sits her down in front of the bowl of cereal. By the time Wonwoo returned to his seat, Misun was already halfway done. "Woah woah! Slow down. We don't have to leave for another hour."

Misun nodded but continued eating just as fast. After taking his third sip of coffee, Misun was finished.

"Okay! Can we do my hair now!" Wonwoo was convinced she had somehow drunk his coffee while he wasn't looking because of how hyper the little girl was.

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