Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm fine." Wonwoo pulled his arm away from the training nurse. "I don't need stitches."

"But-" the boy tried to reach for Wonwoo's arm, which was bleeding. "It's still bleeding!"

"I don't care," Wonwoo scoffed. "I'm going home." Maybe if Seungkwan were in, Wonwoo would have listened, but he didn't care about the opinion of some nobody nurse. He needed to get home to Misun.

Jun stood up from his seat, "Wonwoo, just listen to him; it's not like you have anywhere to be."

Wonwoo's face heated with anger. "I'm not staying."

"You can't go out looking like that." Jun motioned to Wonwoo, his arm dripping blood onto the ground and his leg causing him to limp with every step. "I doubt you'll make it home before you faint again."

"I'm fine."

Jun shook his head. "This is why you can't get a girlfriend."


"You're too stubborn."

Wonwoo rolled his eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"I doubt that!" Jun called as Wonwoo slammed the door behind him.

He really did need to get home. Before he left for the mission, he promised Misun that he would be home before Midnight, and it was already eleven twenty. Wonwoo was confident she would refuse to go to bed until he got home and fulfilled his promise. He hoped it wasn't causing problems for DK's sister or the kid she brought to play with Misun.

Maybe if they liked Misun, they could be the family to take her in. It initially felt like a good idea, but it struck Wonwoo with a sinking feeling.

What if they're not good enough for her? He thought. She needs the perfect family.

"Want me to drive you home?" DK appeared beside him. "I don't think you're fit to drive," He added, eyeing Wonwoo, who was slowly limping and lolling his head. "I should pick up my sister anyway."

"Yeah, sure." He would never admit it, but Jun was right. There was no way he could make it home alone.



Wonwoo raised his fist to knock on the door but lost his balance and slammed half his body into the door.

"Come on, bro, I don't need my sister knowing about my job," DK cringed.

"I got into a fight at the bar," Wonwoo grumbled.

"A gunfight?"

"Why not."

The door opened, and Wonwoo held to the door frame so he wouldn't fall.

"Uncle Wonu!" Misun dashed from the living room and hooked herself into a hug around Wonwoo's leg.

"Hi, Misun."

"You were almost late," she giggled.

"But I wasn't." He ruffled her hair. "Thanks for watching her. Can I send you a check later?"

DK's sister looked him up and down, then glanced at her brother. Her forehead creased in concern. "Uhm, sure."

"Thanks for watching me!" Misun switched to hugging DK's sister. "You should come and do it again."

"We'll have to see about that," she said with a wary smile pointed at Wonwoo. "You were very good tonight."

Misun beamed proudly. "Thank you!"

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