Chapter Twenty-One

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"So, why did you pick Fish for the name?" Wonwoo asked from the couch, watching as Misun played with the cat, using a laser pointer. Misun didn't realize, but it was one that Wonwoo used on one of his guns. Of course, he had dethatched the sight so she could use it as a toy for the cat.

"Because they eat fish," Misun giggled, sending the cat flying toward the kitchen.

"Should we change your name to cereal, then?"

Misun gasped and looked at Wonwoo with wide eyes. "Can we?"

"No!" Wonwoo should have realized that Misun would take the joke seriously.

"Aww." Fish pawed at the green dot that Misun had stopped moving because of her disappointment. "He's so silly."

"Yes, he is." Wonwoo turned his head to watch as the cat swatted the light, annoyed it was still there.

As Misun flicked the laser off, Fish walked back toward the living room, proudly purring as he 'defeated' the light.

"You're the best cat ever!" Misun squealed while attempting to pick him up.

"Oh! Be careful, Misun. You don't want to hurt him."

"Sorry, Fishy." She gently placed him back down and rubbed his head.

Wonwoo laughed at the nickname. "Did you enjoy your birthday?"

Misun looked up from Fish, who had started to purr into Misun's hand. "Yes! I super duper loved it!" She jumped up and rushed to the couch, leaving Fish disappointed. "Thank you!"

"I'm glad you liked it." Wonwoo smiled as Misun hopped onto the couch beside him.

"Can I stay up late and watch TV?"

Wonwoo playfully narrowed his eyes at the girl, recognizing her trick. "Hmm. I don't know."


"I guess it is your birthday." Wonwoo reached for the remote, turned the television on, and flicked through the channels until Misun found one she liked—a cartoon channel with a princess show.

To his surprise, the show caught his attention, and he quickly became interested. Wonwoo was too enthralled to scold himself for liking a kid's show.

It wasn't until his phone buzzed in his pocket that he was distracted. The screen showed a notification from Jun.

Wonwoo stiffened at the sight of the message. Even if he and Jun were friendly, their relationship stayed tied to their work, not beyond it.

"I swear if they're calling me in now," Wonwoo hissed. Silently, he wondered if Dino had ratted him out.

As he was about to unlock his phone and read the message. Another message, but this one from DK.

"I'm going to kill Dino."

"Huh?" Misun looked up at him, confused.

"I didn't say anything!" Wonwoo lied quickly. While obviously a lie, Misun took it as truth and returned to the show, which Wonwoo was regrettably missing.

After he typed in the password, his eyes went to the top message first—DK's.

Wonwoo breathed a sigh of relief. The message wasn't mafia-related. Instead, it read, 'The Kangs want to meet you for dinner tomorrow.'

While he was relieved that it wasn't work-related, Wonwoo had no desire to deal with that problem at that moment. His heart seemed to deflate at the realization.

If the meeting went well, Misun could be gone before the week was over.

Wonwoo gulped. It had been nice to have someone he could care about, treat like the little sister he never had, like the child he would never have. Because when you were this deep in the mafia, it felt foolish and selfish to start a family.

She would be better off with them anyway.

Wonwoo returned a quick confirmation, and DK sent the directions and time the family wanted to meet.

Work dread filled him again as he swiped into Jun's message.

The message was short, just two words.

"Help me."

Wonwoo's brow furrowed. What could he possibly need help with? And why did he need Wonwoo?

Fingers flying, Wonwoo responded with, 'What?'

As the message was sent, the TV screen faded into black as the princess episode ended.

"Can I watch another one?"

"Yeah, whatever you want," Wonwoo mindlessly responded, waiting for a response from Jun.

A bubble popped up from Jun's side of the screen, but it disappeared as quickly as it had come, and another one didn't come to take its place.

Looking toward the apartment door, Wonwoo considered leaving in search of Jun. But he didn't know where to look, and if Jun needed help, he wasn't in the best condition to provide it.

Taking a deep breath, Wonwoo relaxed back into the seat. He would wait for another message from Jun, and if it didn't come, Jun would have to figure it out himself. After all, they were only work friends, and Wonwoo didn't want to disturb Misun.

Wonwoo felt a soft thud on his arm and saw Misun resting her head. Her eyes were bleary, softly shutting before widening again as she tried to stay awake.

"You're sleepy."

"Nuhuh," Misun said, fighting a yawn.

Wonwoo chuckled, patting her head as he set his phone down. "You can sleep on the couch if you would like."

"Mhm," Misun quietly hummed. "Thank you for Fish. And for riding the roller coaster, even though you were scared." Sleep quipped at Misun's words, and Wonwoo was sure she'd fall asleep talking. "I love you, papa."

Wonwoo stiffened, but Misun didn't say anything. It didn't feel like he could move. Wonwoo wondered briefly if she was confused and calling him Papa, thinking it was her dad—a subconscious dream.

But when she'd talked about her father before, it was always 'dada.'

Soft snores started to come from Misun, and Wonwoo released a sigh.

His hands shook as he held up Misun's head and moved away from her. Wonwoo transitioned the hold into a scoop, picking Misun up to set her in bed.

Carefully, Wonwoo tucked Misun into bed, positioning one of the dolls beside her.

His mind didn't feel real as he exited the room to crash on the couch, the TV still showing the show.

He didn't know how to react to Misun's words. Wonwoo didn't know if he should correct her or let it be. And then, there was the 'I love you.'

How could she say that when he was planning on sending her off to some family she didn't know? Betraying her trust and lying to her. It struck Wonwoo hard. and he hated himself for it.

Maybe the problem would be gone in the morning. Something she had said in a tired stupor. Nothing more.

As Wonwoo threw himself on the couch, somebody knocked.

"Wonwoo! Help!"

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