Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Kwangsik and Hyerim returned from the back of the store carrying two bowls. They sat down at the table with Wonwoo and Misun, placing a bowl in front of each one.

"Thank you!" Misun cheered before quickly digging into the ice cream.

Wonwoo looked at his bowl of ice cream dumbfoundedly. "Thanks," he muttered. Kwangsik patted Wonwoo's back.

"So, I hear you're leaving us," Hyerim said, looking at Wonwoo softly.

Wonwoo nodded, knowing that the news was probably killing her and Kwangsik. "I'm sorry, but it's for some really important business."

"Well, you know." Hyerim placed a hand on Misun's head. She was thoroughly enjoying the ice cream, already halfway through the bowl. "We could always watch this little cutie."

"Can I stay with them?" Misun gasped. "Please, please, please!"

"I wish you could," Wonwoo sighed. He wished they hadn't brought it up in front of Misun. But there are too many factors. It just wouldn't work."

Thankfully, Hyerim seemed to understand what Wonwoo was implicating, but of course, Misun didn't.

"That's unfair, papa. They're nicer than the Kangs."

"But the Kangs are super rich. Wouldn't it be fun to live with rich people for a little bit," Wonwoo tried to coax her into staying with the Kangs, but Misun wasn't having it.

"I don't want to have a brother. I knew all siblings were mean," She whined, crossing her arms and pursing her lips. "Papa, you promised not to leave me."

Hyerim and Kwangsik both shifted in their seats.

"It's only for a couple of weeks." Wonwoo cleared his throat. The lie was heavy on him. Misun was already mad at him for leaving her for such a short time. She would hate him once she realized he had left her for good.

"Misun, I promise that I'll come back for you. You'll barely notice I was gone." Wonwoo hated himself more and more as he worsened the lie. It was twisted of him to give Misun false hope, but he needed her to comply, and there was no way she would right now. "Once I get back, we can go to an amusement park if you would like."




"Are you sure you want to pack in the morning and not now?" Wonwoo asked Misun for the third time that night. "Last chance before you fall asleep," he said while bringing the blanket over her.

"I'm too tired to pack," Misun huffed, angrily crossing her arms and looking away from Wonwoo.

Wonwoo pursed his lips. He felt guilty about his decision, but it was the safest for Misun. She was okay with the situation at the ice cream shop but grew angry in the car.

She was too young to understand that sometimes people had to leave their children behind. Wonwoo hoped she wouldn't hate him forever, even if he deserved it.

"You know I'll miss you, right?"

Misun continued to not look at him. She pulled the covers over her head.

"Goodnight, Misun," Wonwoo sighed.

Wonwoo stood and left the room, looking back at the door. She still said nothing to him, but he heard soft sniffling.

His heart was shattering as he closed the door.

"So, the kid isn't coming with us?" Dino asked as Wonwoo entered the small living room, if you could call it that. The room had just two couches, a small stove, a sink, and a table that could barely seat two people. Jun was initially supposed to sleep in the bedroom, but Wonwoo forced him out and gave it to Misun.

"No. It's too dangerous. I'll drop her off tomorrow with some friends." Wonwoo could barely hold his face together while referring to the Kangs as his friends. He'd rather see them dead than be their friends, but it was his only option for Misun.

Kwangsik and Hyerim had offered to take Misun in, but Wonwoo knew he couldn't do that. They were both growing too old to take care of a child full-time. And, the Kangs would be safer for Misun if anybody else had found out about her.

"That should at least make this easier," Jun said, relaxing on the cheap couch. "Not that we wouldn't want to bring Misun," He quickly added, scared of Wonwoo's reaction.

"No, it'll make things easier." Wonwoo sat on the second couch. It wasn't the truth he liked, but it was the truth nonetheless. Bringing Misun would add multiple complications the group might not be able to risk. "So, what's the plan for tomorrow?"

"What time are you dropping off the kid?" Dino asked, pulling over a seat from the table.

"Pretty early." Wonwoo craned his neck back to look at the time on the stove. It was already midnight. "Six a.m. at the latest."

"If you can get it done earlier, that would be helpful. Dino and I were going to start around six thirty."

"Okay, I'll try." This was it. He didn't even have six hours left with Misun. And most of that time was going to be spent with her asleep. Hopefully, she wouldn't still be mad at him in the morning. Or maybe it would be easier that way.

"Once you're back, we need to collect weapons and money."

"I'll go to the bank," Dino offered. "People are mainly looking for you, Jun, and now you, Wonwoo. S.Coups sent a team to 'check' on you today so he knows you're working with us."

"Don't we have enough weapons? I have my sniper in the car and my pistol on me."

"I don't have anything on me."

"Neither do I."

How did two mafia men go into hiding without thinking to grab some guns first?

"I lost mine in the fight," Jun said, lightly touching one of his wounds.

Wonwoo looked to Dino, hoping he'd have a good explanation, but he just shook his head.

"I don't have an excuse. I was in a hurry and didn't think to grab something."

"Wonwoo and I will go out and grab guns and ammo while you're at the bank."

"Are we leaving tomorrow night?"

"No. That's what S.Coups expects us to do, so we'll stay hidden until the next morning. We'll drive to Daegu in the morning and catch a plane from there." Dino was on his phone, scrolling.

"Where are we going?"

"We'll go on whichever plane leaves Korea the soonest. And we'll buy our tickets there. We can't have S.Coups find out where we're going from online receipts."

Wonwoo didn't like Dino for many reasons, but at least he had the plan down. It sounded decent to him. Over the years, Wonwoo had hunted and killed too many fugitives. He would know what to look out for, what plans would work, and which would immediately get you caught.

This one was solid enough but not foolproof. Unfortunately, they didn't have the time to craft the perfect plan.

"We should get some sleep now," Jun yawned. "There won't be much time to rest after this."

"Here, take the couch." Wonwoo stood up and traded Dino for his chair. Dino quickly jumped on the couch, securing his place before Wonwoo changed his mind.

Wonwoo brought the chair to sit in front of the door leading to the staircase and propped it there. He didn't have any intention of sleeping.


Hi everyone! From now till the end of the story (which isn't long a way) I'll be trying to update every four to five days!

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