Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Wonwoo had barely said a word since the butler brought Misun to him, and they started their drive back. After Wonwoo didn't respond to her first two questions, Misun stopped talking.

Anger fueled him as he sped on the highway. It was all too much. Everything was too much. Jun and Dino being the spy. Being dragged into all of it with Misun. Trying to find her a family. And worst of all, realizing he doesn't want to find her a family. He wants to be her family.

His fists clenched around the wheel. This wasn't how anything was supposed to go, but he couldn't let this ruin his last night with Misun.

"What did you think of them?" Wonwoo asked softly.

Misun didn't respond at first. "They had a mean son," she carped.

"He was mean? How?"

"He said princess dolls were stupid," she huffed. "Which is a dumb thing to say!"

Wonwoo chuckled, "I agree that it's stupid. Princess dolls are very cool. What about the parents? The Kangs, did you like them?" Anxiety rooted in his stomach. As he waited for Misun's answer, Wonwoo pulled off the highway. He hoped the place would be open.

"I don't know. They seemed weird," she cringed. "I liked their house! It was so big and pretty and fancy! I could wear a princess dress and pretend I'm in a castle!"

"Yeah, that'll be fun. So, will you enjoy staying with them while I... have my business trip?" He pulled into a small parking lot of a small building. The lights were still on.

"Yes. But I'll really miss you." Wonwoo didn't see it, but he could tell she was pouting.

"Well, then, we should get some ice cream before I have to go." Wonwoo's nose started to hurt, and tears formed in his eyes. This hurt more than he imagined.

"Ice cream! Yay!"

Wonwoo parked the car, walked around it, and took Misun out of her car seat, picking her up and carrying her into the small shop as she hummed in excitement.

An old couple was behind the counter. The woman was typing on a laptop while the man cleaned out dishes.

"Are we too late?"

"Of cours- Wonwoo! Kwangsik, look, it's Wonwoo!"

"Really!" The old man shouted, hurrying to fix his glasses. "Son!"

Wonwoo smiled at the couple, hoping his pushed-back tears weren't noticeable. "Hey, Kwangsik and Hyerim. This is Misun."

"Oh my goodness!" Hyerim cried. "You had a daughter and didn't tell us!" She hurried out from the counter and stole Misun from Wonwoo. "Hello, sweetie!"

"Hi," Misun giggled.

"I've only been hiding this for three months," Wonwoo said quietly, but Hyerim didn't hear him.

"Your work?" Kwangsik asked, worry wrinkling over his face. Wonwoo gave a quick nod in response. "How's that?"

"I came to say goodbye," Wonwoo whispered.

"Oh. Your bad deeds finally catch up to you?"


While everything was tangling into a deeper mess, Wonwoo could find some solace here. Kwangsik and Hyerim were the first and only good deed Wonwoo had committed before Misun. They owed S.Coups father money, and then S.Coups, who quickly grew annoyed by their prolonged debt. Wonwoo had paid it for them, scrapping up the little money he had at the time.

"Ma'am, may I have ice cream?"

"Well, how could I say no to you?" Hyerim said, quickly pressing Misun's nose.

Kwangsik placed a hand on Wonwoo's shoulder. "I'll explain it to her. Just sit and relax."

As Hyerim went into the back of the store, Kwangsik followed her.

"Are they your parents?" Misun asked while they moved to the nearest table. "Wait!" She gasps. "Are they my grandparents?"

"I'm sure they'd be happy to be your grandparents," Wonwoo laughed. "I'll tell the Kangs they have to bring you weekly."

"Papa, how long are you going to be gone?"

"I don't know," Wonwoo admitted. "Probably for a while."

"Do you have to go?"

"Yes. But I want you to know that I'll really miss you."

"Why can't I come?"

Wonwoo sighed. Since when had lying become so hard? He was supposed to be a tough man, and now he was choking back tears. "Because kids aren't allowed."

"That's stupid," Misun gasped, crossing her arms. "Because- cause, I'm going to be really sad when you're gone."

"I'm sure the Kangs will do everything they can to keep you happy." Wonwoo smiled at her. He hoped she was too young to understand the difference between a happy and sad smile.

"I guess so."

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