Chapter Twenty-Two

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Wonwoo jumped up from the couch and ran to open the door. He wasn't worried about the man on the other side, but he didn't want to wake Misun or his nosy neighbors, who might call the cops.

"What the fuck?" Wonwoo rasped as he opened the door. "It's almost mid-" Wonwoo stopped midsentence in a gasp.

Jun was barely standing up, blood gushing from his shoulder.

"What the fuck happened?"

Groaning, Jun pushed past Wonwoo and fell into the apartment—literally. He fell to the ground, hitting the hard tile.

"You've got to be shitting me."

"Wonwoo, please. You've gotta help me." Jun struggled to spit out the words as he held his wound, trying to stabilize it.

"Not that I have a choice now." Wonwoo hoisted Jun up, surprised by how light he felt. Throwing Jun onto his couch, Wonwoo grunted, knowing he'd have to get the blood cleaned out later. "So, what happened?"

"S.Coups," Jun croaks out. "He thinks I'm the spy."


Shaking his head, Jun tried to sit up, evidently falling back against the couch cushions as his arms gave out.

Wonwoo lifted Jun, throwing a pillow behind his back to keep him upright. "You aren't the spy, right?"

"Of course not!" Jun scoffs. "Do you think I'm stupid enough to cross Seventeen like that?"

"You can never be too sure."

Scowling, Jun folds his arms together. "I'm not sure who put the idea in S.Coups head that I'm the spy, but he's convinced it's me. He's going to kill me!"

"Shh! Lower your voice." Wonwoo spun around, checking to ensure Misun's door was still soundly shut.

"Really, man? I'm telling you I have a bounty on my head, and you want me to stay quiet?"

"S.Coups is going to find you if one of my shit neighbors calls in a noise complaint," Wonwoo fired back, growing frustrated. It was stupid for Jun to come here. If S.Coups' men were chasing him, they could easily trace Jun to Wonwoo's apartment—to Misun.

Inhaling a deep sigh, Jun calms slightly. "Well, S.Coups thinks I'm funneling information to the JYP's, and it'll be impossible to change his mind. You've got to help me out of here."

"I don't think I do."Wonwoo stepped away from the couch. "I'm not about to risk my neck to get you out."

"Are you fucking serious?" Jun looks bewildered. "I thought we were friends."

"We worked together, nothing more." Wonwoo shook his head. "I won't point S.Coups toward you, but you gotta get out yourself."

Wonwoo saw as Jun locked his jaw, likely grinding his teeth and clenching his fist. He knew it was a shitty move, but Wonwoo didn't care. It was too high of a risk, even before he had to worry about Misun.

"I can try to bandage that, but you need to get out."

"Whatever." Jun pushed himself off the couch, almost falling to the ground for the second time.

"Good luck." Wonwoo leaned back as Jun floundered to the door.

It surprised Wonwoo how easy it was to get Jun out of the apartment. Apparently, he wasn't the beg-and-grovel type.

A light string of guilt twinged at Wonwoo, but it added nothing to the pool of regret he was already drowning in. He'd seen coworkers come and go, and this would be no different.

Or, at least, it wouldn't be if Misun wasn't such a light sleeper.

"Hello?" Misun creaked open her door, quietly calling into the dark house. "Papa?" She was still overly tired.

Wonwoo's eyes widened as Jun's head spun toward the girl. "Papa?" Jun eyed Wonwoo. Then, something sparked.

"Who's that?" Misun retreated into her room, yelling out to Wonwoo. She sounded so scared that Wonwoo wanted to hurt Jun just for that.

"Nobody," Jun answered for Misun. "Just a man, your 'Papa' is going to help." He didn't break eye contact with Wonwoo as he said it, slowly and calculated.

Everything he did was useless. Wonwoo felt everything crumbling down around him as any empathetic light fled from Jun's eyes. He would use Misun against him, and Wonwoo couldn't resist it.

Even if he tried, Jun spread the information like wildfire. S.Coups and the other other members would find out. It would deem Wonwoo as a liar and a fool. Every person Wonwoo who had ever made an enemy out of him would go after Misun.

Jun held everything to control Wonwoo now. The only way to stop Jun now was to kill him. But even as that thought ran through Wonwoo's mind, Jun had brought out his phone, preparing something.

"You better think of a way to get me out of this." Jun's lips turned into a smirk. "Otherwise, you're coming down with me."

Wonwoo prepared to lunge. He'd do it. He hated it, but if it meant protecting Misun, he'd kill Jun again and again.

Wobbily, Jun sidestepped Wonwoo's attack. "Dino knows about the kid. He'll tell the news for me if you kill me."

"Wha-" Wonwoo stumbled back.

Jun had faked him out, acting like he would leave hopelessly, even though he had known about Misun the whole time.

"I'll kill that punk."

"You won't be killing anyone," Jun sneered. "Not if you value her life."

"Misun, go back to bed. Everything's okay." Wonwoo called, his throat closing in. Everything was falling into place.

There were two spies in Seventeen, and Wonwoo was now part of their plan.

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