Chapter Thirty-Three

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"How'd it go?" Dino asks from the couch. Two duffle bags sit on the coffee table.

"Neither of us are injured." Jun drops the first box on the floor.

"What does that mean?" Dino raises an eye, suddenly standing from the couch. "Did S.Coups find you guys?"

"He sent some rookies after us," Wonwoo huffed, placing the heavy box on top of Jun's. "We finished them off when they started to chase us."

Dino started to pace, shaking his head. "We're going to be found out! There's no way we'll get out of this alive!"

"Wow, chill," Jun said. "We dealt with those guys."

"But what if they were just a distraction? He could be sending real assassins right now!"

Jun and Wonwoo shared a look. How this worrisome kid ended up in the top ranks of Seventeen baffled them, especially to turn and betray S.Coups.

"That's not happening, but if 'real' assassins do show up, we'll kill them too."

Unfortunately, Wonwoo's attempt at reassurance did nothing for Dino.

"It's not like we'd let any old assassin kill us," Jun said elastically, elbowing Wonwoo in his side. "Isn't that, right?"

Wonwoo nodded. "I'm going to get the other packages. Help me, Dino?"

"Why not Jun."

"Because his arm is still injured, and it makes him fucking slow."

"Asshole," Jun sighed, but he didn't argue. Relieved to not be needed, Jun plopped down on the couch where Dino had been sitting.

Dino followed Wonwoo up the stairs without complaint but dragged slightly.

"You do know how to use a gun, right?" Wonwoo asked sarcastically as they approached the car.

"Of course I do!"

"Prove it." Propping open the next box, Wonwoo dug through the contents until he found a suitable weapon. "Try this." Wonwoo pushed the Automatic Rifle into Dino's arms.

Staring at the weapon cluelessly, Dino shook his head. "I don't know how to use this."

"For fuck's sake. You don't know how to use a rifle?"

"I was only taught to use a pistol."

"By who?"

"Hoshi trained me."

"Oh." Wonwoo rolled his eyes. Hoshi probably 'forgot' to finish training Dino on all the basics when he figured out he would be a spy. "What about outside of Seventeen? Didn't they teach you anything?"

"No," Dino looked away. "They were just happy I was willing to be a double spy. I think they thought I already knew how to do everything else."

"Well. You're leaning now."


"Nobody is close enough to hear." Pointing at a tree ten meters away, Wonwoo started to coach Dino on shooting the AR.

Dino's lack of understanding of anything and everything about guns pissed off Wonwoo. However, he worked on hiding it. There was a reason Wonwoo wasn't allowed to train any of the rookies for Seventeen. After the first six asked to switch professions or ran away, S.Coups relieved him of the duty.

But that was before he took in Misun. Taking care of the little girl forced Wonwoo. At the very least, he learned to bite his tongue and hold in his anger until he was at work.

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