Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Wake up," Wonwoo whispered, lightly shaking Misun. She was sound asleep, softly snoring.

"I don't wanna," Misun yawned while pulling the covers over her head.

Wonwoo sighed. "You have to. We're leaving now." Misun murmured something sleepily. "Would you like me to carry you to the car?"

When Misun didn't reply, Wonwoo took the answer as a yes. He picked her up, leaving the blanket with her so she wouldn't become cold in the car.

Before he tried to wake her, Wonwoo packed the few items she had brought. It was five thirty a.m. now. Picking up the small suitcase, Wonwoo struggled to fit through the door while carrying Misun.

Once he squeezed past, Wonwoo traveled to the exit, making a small effort to be quiet as Jun and Dino were still sleeping.

Misun twisted in Wonwoo's arms and began to snore again.

It hurt to know that the last amount of time he had to spend with Misun was going to be while she slept, but maybe it would help with the pain.

Clamoring up the stairs, Wonwoo did his best to quickly depart from the shabby home and reach the car, which Dino had successfully hidden behind shrubs. One of the shrub thorns slashed open the sleeve of Wonwoo's shirt as Wonwoo used his arm to protect Misun.

Wonwoo's eyes felt heavy as he buckled Misun into her seat, draping the blanket over her again. He almost wished he would have allowed time to sleep, but he knew that even if he tried, the worry would have kept him up. Jun and Dino would just have to wait the extra ten minutes it took him to get coffee on the ride back.

As he prepared to drive off, Wonwoo turned on soft music, hoping it would help keep him awake.

"I'm sorry, Misun," he mumbled, the words barely louder than a breath. Out of all the awful and horrible things he had done and everything he regretted, Wonwoo knew this decision would haunt him for the rest of his life.

The pale moon shone through the trees as Wonwoo drove out of the woods. It was a lifeless night.



The gate was closed as Wonwoo slowly pulled to a stop. He should have expected it. It wasn't like he notified the Kangs that he was coming.

Misun was still sleeping, although she had stopped snoring. At first, Wonwoo assumed she had woken up, but her eyes were still squeezed shut, and she didn't reply to anything Wonwoo said.

Stepping out of the car, Wonwoo approached the small window by the gate, where a gate guard was lying back in his chair, asleep.

Wonwoo gritted his teeth as he banged on the glass. The man woke with a start, almost falling from his chair.

Hastily, the man slid open the window, just barely, obviously terrified by Wonwoo.

"What business do you have?"

"I'm here to see the Kangs. They're expecting me."

The man cautiously looked Wonwoo up and down. He was a suspicious-looking man, rightfully so. Yet, the guard nodded. "Okay."

Wonwoo wanted to punch through the glass and tear the man out of his seat. How pathetic was this man? What a failure at his job. This was the type of fool he was trusting Misun's life with.

But he stopped himself. There wasn't time for that now.

The gate creaked as it was mechanically pulled open. Wonwoo entered the car and slowly drove in, listening to the soft sound of gravel under his tires.

It took three minutes to drive to the mansion's entrance, although that was partially due to Wonwoo's extended slow drive.

"Are you awake?" Wonwoo asked gingerly, hoping Misun would answer. She didn't.

But she twisted in her seat, moving the covers to hide her face because Misun didn't want Wonwoo to know she was awake. Unfortunately, Wonwoo missed the movement in his rearview mirror.

Wonwoo hesitated to exit the vehicle as he parked in front of the doors, but time was ticking, and he had to return to Jun and Dino so they had the time they needed to make their escape.

His boots crunched under the gravel road. Wonwoo hated how loud it sounded in the absence of any other sounds besides the low hum of the running engine.

Wonwoo took a deep breath, slowly exhaling, before pounding on the door, hoping it would be loud enough to wake up the Kangs and their prestigious butler.

After a minute, he pounded into the door again, harder with more knocks. As Wonwoo was preparing to kick the door down, it abruptly opened.

The butler stood on the other side, squinting in the house's light. He was still in his pajamas, as were the Kangs who stood behind their butler.

"I'm dropping Misun off," Wonwoo gruffly said before turning on his back. This would be the hardest part.

Maybe it's a blessing Misun's asleep, Wonwoo thought. He didn't think he could handle seeing the betrayal on her face.

As he opened the back door, it was evident that Misun wasn't sleeping. The blanket covering her was shaking.

"Misun," Wonwoo started gingerly.

She didn't respond, still trying to pretend she was sleeping.

"I hope you know that I don't want to leave you. I'm so sorry for leaving you and lying to you." He unbuckled the car seat. "I wish I could have given you the life you deserve." Wonwoo lifted her up and brought her suitcase trailing behind him. "I love you, Misun." Wonwoo choked the words out.

"I love you too, papa!" Misun cried out, jumping up to hug Wonwoo around his neck. "Don't leave me!"

Wonwoo made quick steps to the Kangs. He couldn't handle this. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he whispered over and over again.

"Papa," Misun wept.

Mrs. Kang and Mr. Kang were waiting on the porch, all ready to take Misun.

"Take care of her," Wonwoo demanded as he handed Mr. Kang her suitcase. "If I ever find out you hurt her in some way, I'll come back to kill you." He threatened them openly, not even caring that Misun could hear.

"We'll take good care of her," Mrs. Kang gasped, reaching for Misun.

Mrs. Kang tried to take Misun, and Wonwoo tried to hand her off, but Misun refused. She held onto Wonwoo with surprising strength, wailing that she didn't want to be left behind. Not again.

"Papa! Don't leave me. I don't want a new papa and mama!"

"I'm sorry." Wonwoo broke Misun's grip, and she flew into Mrs. Kang, screaming. "Fire your gate guard. Hire somebody who knows how to do their job."

Wonwoo couldn't bear to look at Misun as he ran to his car. He wished he could jam a knife in his ears and kill his hearing. Misun's cries would plague him forever.

Tears streamed freely as he jumped into the car and started to speed away. Sobs racked his body, and his vision blurred. Wonwoo hated himself more than ever before.

He made the mistake of looking through the rearview mirror.

Misun had broken away from Mrs. Kang and ran as fast as her legs would take her, trying to catch up with Wonwoo's car.

She was still screaming, yelling at him not to abandon her, but the engine overpowered her cries.

Misun ran and ran, even as Wonwoo's car sped past the gate. She kicked at Mr. Kang as he caught her. She continued calling for Wonwoo until she had no more breath to use to yell. Misun cried until all her tears were used up.

Wonwoo didn't stop crying as he drove and drove. Years of his pent-up emotions broke free, ruining his mind and body as he sped down the highway.


I cried while writing this...

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