Chapter Three

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"Bye, Misun." Wonwoo awkwardly patted the kid's head, "What do you want for dinner?"

"You realize you won't be home until 2 a.m." DK chimed in. "She should be sleeping by then."

"Oh." Wonwoo shrugged. "Well, what do you want for breakfast?"

"I dunno."

"Hmm. Okay. Well, I'll see you two later."

Once Wonwoo was out of the apartment complex, he brought out his phone and dialed his partner for the night. "So when are you getting here?"

"Already here." Across the street, a tall Chinese man waved to Wonwoo before running across to meet him. "So, ready to go?"

"Yeah." Wonwoo looked around the area, ensuring no one was spying on their conversation. "You have my sniper, right?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Jun rolled his eyes. "We've worked together for years; I know what we need to have prepared."

"Yeah yeah, just making sure." The two walked until reaching a limo a few meters away.

"As if you would do any better," Jun laughed, nudging Wonwoo. "I've seen your apartment. You wouldn't be able to keep a plant alive."

Usually, a joke like that wouldn't bother Wonwoo. It would actually make him laugh, but at the moment, it just reminded Wonwoo of the kid he had decided to care for. He needed to find Misun a home soon.

"Let's just get this over with," Wonwoo grumbled. "This is a stupid job anyways."

"What's got you in a mood? Don't you usually like these?"

Wonwoo only shrugged in response. He was too worried about the extra human at home to enjoy tracking and hunting a runaway traitor.


"Come on, Seonghwa!" Jun yelled into the abandoned building, "We just want to talk." His voice was creepily joyful.

"Do you have to taunt them?"

"Of course! Now Seonghwa, stop hiding. We can talk this out!"

It was a silly game to play. Seonghwa knew that wasn't the case. The only talking going on would be threats of torture and begging. Wonwoo didn't understand Jun's obsession with drawing these things out.

"Seonghwa! If you don't come out now, this fight will affect your fam-" Wonwoo roughly yelled but faltered at the end. Threatening someone's family wasn't a big deal. In most cases, it was what Wonwoo excelled at.

Luckily the threat seemed to do at least part of the job. A low rustling came from the assassin's right, and then something fell, causing a loud thump that echoed.

Both men ran to the room, Jun readying his pistol While Wonwoo slung his sniper to rest on his back and brought out a long knife.

The room was filled with wooden boxes and dimly lit. At the end of the room, there was a door still closed.

Jun and Wonwoo silently communicated with a small hand gesture and a nod. They slowly made their way through the room. With no way to tell if Seonghwa was hiding in the room or if he'd escaped, they had to be careful.

Just because they're trained assassins, they don't undermine the skill of who they're hunting, especially someone they used to work with. Wonwoo had spent time training with Seonghwa and knew he could pose a threat if he wished to.

"Seonghwa!" Jun called out in a sing-song voice. "I know you're in here!"

In perfect timing, Wonwoo saw a mass of black hair peeping out behind a box. Nudging Jun and nodding to the area, Wonwoo and Jun crept closer until they were just a meter away.

Seonghwa noticed their pause and chose to make his first move. Leaping out from behind the box, Seonghwa charged at Wonwoo, trying to grab ahold of his dagger.

The collision of two bodies knocked Wonwoo into Jun, leading to the latter falling to the ground, leaving him momentarily useless. With Seonghwa scurrying with Wonwoo, it was difficult for Jun to get a safe shot.

Unfortunately, Seonghwa successfully got Wonwoo's knife away and threw it out of arms reach.

The two men scramble to get in control. Wonwoo threw a punch aimed at Seonghwa's head, which he quickly blocked.

After the failed hit, Wonwoo hindered for a moment, allowing Seonghwa to flip them around with Wonwoo on the ground.

Using the opportunity to help his partner Jun hosted his gun and prepared to tackle Seonghwa, but he paused when he saw an old pistol pressed to Wonwoo's head.

Trying to gain extra time, Jun started to laugh tiredly. "Oh, Seonghwa, we aren't here to kill you. Let's talk like businessmen."

"No! I'm not letting you take me back there!" Seonghwa screamed, sounding manic. "Let me go! Or I'll- Or I'll shoot him."

"Well, unfortunately, that wasn't in the job description."

Seonghwa focused his attention on Jun. While Seonghwa was distracted, Wonwoo grabbed and aimed the pistol at the wall opposite Jun. Seonghwa accidentally fired the gun in an attempt to get it back. The bullet collided with the wall, leaving Wonwoo's ear ringing.

Jun grabbed the back of Seonghwa's shirt and threw him to the ground, bringing out his gun and pointing it at his target's head. "When will you traitors learn to comply with us," Jun sighs, "It makes our job so much easier."

"I won't tell you anything!" Seonghwa spat.

"We've heard that before." Wonwoo rolled his eyes, sitting on a box and wiping off the dirt from his face. "It'll be easier for you if you tell us now."

Seonghwa made the stupid choice of trying to attack again. He lunged for Jun's legs, trying to bring Jun to the ground. Dodging the attack, Jun jumps backward and aims for Seonghwa. He fires and shoots Seonghwa in the forehead.

"Can you get him Wonwoo?" Jun asked, putting his gun away. "I don't want to get blood on my new shirt."

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