This is my life in a nutshell.

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It's been what would seem like forever since the last time I had a best friend. The two words were almost foreign to me.
"Are you ready yet? Get down here before you really get on my nerves. " Yells my nanny. She's much better than all my family, but she can get cruel sometimes.
"Yes, I'm coming," I inform her with a sigh. I start high school today, which is a good thing, I guess. I mean, I suppose I could try to make a friend. But, alas, not many people in a rich city like this want the kind of friend who writes Radiohead and Pink Floyd quotes all over her jeans. My parents don't have any time for me, so I wouldn't call them friends. My bitch of a brother, Donny, is, well, a... bitch. I really don't know how else to put it. He gets people in trouble every chance he gets, including me. Last time I hung out with him voluntarily was when he was in 8th grade and I was in 5th. He gave me a pack of M&ms to celebrate my upcoming birthday. He was a decent guy before high school. Then he changed so he could be... "Popular". He started all these drugs and started seeing all these girls, half of 'em even druggier and bitchier than he was. One of them was good though. She tried to get him out of the party and drugs crowd. Of course, he didn't listen, and he tossed her out like a two month old moldy pizza. When she walked out, I remember her saying, "Oh well. I tried my best."
Anyway, he's been in Rehab for nine days now. I may not like what he's done, but he is my brother, so I still love him for who he used to be.

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