I Need a New Mother

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On the night that Ky was supposed to come over, I was absolutely mortified. I had told him she may be rude and snobby sounding, and he said that it was no big deal, but still! I mean, my mom hadn't even spoken to me for six days until Ky came over. My mom had pretty much ignored me since I could sit up by myself. Nanny took it from there. So what was so special about me now that I had a boyfriend?
The doorbell rung, and I ran down to answer it. Nanny had beaten me there, and so she greeted him first.
"Hello, sir," she said as I hopped over the last step on the staircase.
"Hey, Ky!" I said. "What's up?"
"Not much, you?" He said.
"Same. Time for you to meet my-"
I was cut off. "Hello, Kyle! So nice to see you again," My mom said.
"Mom, his name's not Kyle. It's Ky," I informed her. She ignored me, as always, and led us to the dining room.
"You have a very nice house," Ky complemented.
"Thanks," I said, right as my mom said, "I know, right?"
Ky looked at me like, "Damn, you weren't exaggerating," Which I wasn't.
"I hope you like the shrimp," my mom said to Ky.
"Yes ma'am, it's delicious," he answered. Even though his thoughts for her were negative, he was a respectful person. After all, she was his girlfriend's mother.
"So, tell me about yourself. What do your parents so for a living?"
She asked him.
"Um, my mom is a café owner, and my dad is a construction worker," he answered. "I'd like to be a musician, or maybe a DJ."
"Oh," my mother said as she wrinkled her nose.
"Hey, mom, can I talk to you alone for a moment?" I said.
"Um, okay," she said.
We walk to the kitchen and I mouth an apology to Ky.
"What the hell was that, mom?!" I said, angry at her for her reaction of Ky's parents' profession.
"Do not curse with me young lady. Remember who mothered you?" She said.
"Yes, that was Nanny. You've never been there for me, and now you're trying to make me just like you, you gold digging bitch of a mother!" I yell.
"I just want you to be with someone who can provide for you, and, you know, get you a diamond now and again," she said with a smile.
"Well I don't know about you, but I don't care about about a few diamonds. I just want to be with someone I love!"
I said as I ran out of the room. I grabbed Ky's hand, and pulled him to his car. He sat down in the driver's seat and asked, "Where are we going?"
"Anywhere. Anywhere but here," I responded.
And so we drove.

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