The News

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I had woken up. Noticing the decreased amount of tubes in my body, I tried to call out, "Hello?", But my throat hurt when I tried to speak.
Apparently, someone heard me attempt to speak.
"She woke up," said one of the same voices from earlier.
"Should we put her back to sleep again?"
"No, she needs to know about her friends," said another familiar voice.
"What happened to them? Are they okay?"
I wanted to ask them. I wished so much that they would tell me. As if she'd heard me, a nurse walked up to my bed and said, "You had glass almost everywhere in your body. But, with very special medical tools, we were able to get it all out. You will have many scars, but the glass didn't pierce your vitals, so you will be okay to go in about a week, maybe a week and a half."
Why was she talking about me? I needed to know about my friends!
"The accident was quite terrible, and three people were killed."
She paused.
"Unfortunately, two of them were Leonardo Ridley, and Georgia Brazil. I am so sorry."
No, no, no, no! It was impossible! Gigi and Leo were gone! Leo, the one that was always able to crack a joke, who always knew what to say to make us laugh, who was so loyal to us throughout it all.
And Gigi! She was the first bestie I had ever had, unless you'd count pre-druggy Donny. I owed my sanity to her! I never would have met Leo or Ky if it weren't for her. She was the one to always give me a self-esteem boost when I needed it. How was I going to live without them?
I heard rapid beeps-probably my heart rate- as I started going frantic.
I am sorry if tears were shed at this chapter. Just trying to keep it interesting! Pls forgive!!!
Anyways, the book is nearly over, so I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of my readers and followers, because you keep me inspired!
After this story, I'm going to be writing another story. Not exactly sure what it's gonna be about, but ideas would be helpful!
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