The Date

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Gigi and I had been crying for about five minutes when Ky came.
*Ding-Dong* The doorbell rung. "You can just finish the movie if you want, just lock up when you're done," I told Gigi. "Thanks again, Gigi!" "You're so welcome!" She responded. I hugged her goodbye, and answered the door.
"Hi Alana," he said. "Are you ok?"
He noticed I was crying.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I was just watching The Fault In Our Stars,"
I responded. To my utter surprise, he burst out laughing.
"Stop laughing at me!" I playfully punched his arm.
"It's just that-" he started. "Never mind."
I then noticed his apparel.
"Wow, Ky! You look great!" I exclaimed. His hair was as usual- unkempt, messy, and golden bronze. His ice blue eyes had a calming presence, and matched his tie. He was wearing a black and white suit with that tie, and he looked like a Nordstrom male model that fell from heaven.
"Thanks, but I couldn't compare to you tonight. You are so beautiful, Alana," He said. My face flushed red. "Thank you. Gigi helped me with my hair and outfit."
"It's not your outfit that's making you gorgeous. You just... are,"
He said.
"Thanks, Ky. Now- where to?" I asked.
"That's for me no know, and you to find out, Alana. It's still a surprise." He smiled beautifully.
It was very hard for me to stay frustrated at him, so I gave up and asked if he was ready to go.
"Ready when you are," he said.
I walked to his Volvo, and he opened the door for me.
"Thanks," I said.
"No, thank you," he said.
"For what?" I wondered.
"For coming with me," he said
"It's my pleasure," I said.
"The pleasure's all mine," he smiled at me. "And you are the best person I could possibly
go with."
"Aw, you too Ky," I blushed yet again.
He handed me a large bouquet of flowers.
"Violets!" I exclaimed. "My favorite! How'd you know!"
"I asked Gigi, because Gigi knows all when it comes to you," he said.
"Yeah, she's like that," I said.
He then handed me a pink box, about a square foot in height and width.
"Ky, you didn't have to do all this....." I said.
In the box was three candy bars; a 3 Musketeers bar, a Snickers Almond, and a Twix. Also, two jewelry boxes containing a gold charm bracelet with four butterfly charms, no doubt representing our little friend group. In the other, a silver necklace with a ruby heart charm, and a citrine heart charm.
"Our birth stones! Oh my gosh!" I said.
"Yeah," he said. "Do you like it?"
"Are you kidding, Ky?! I absolutely LOVE it!!!" I exclaimed.
"There's one more thing in there," he said. I rummaged through the tissue paper and found a coffee mug with a mocha mix in it. The mug was blue with white clouds saying, Okay.
"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed. "This is amazing! You remember that conversation?"
"Yeah, I remembered that you love mochas, and are a Fault In Our Stars fanatic," he said. "I take it you like the mug?"
"Are you kidding?" I rhetorically asked. "I absolutely adore it!" I gave him a big hug, and we drove off.
We arrived at the restaurant, and it was absolutely gorgeous.
It wasn't too fancy, or too casual. It was just perfect. It was one of those restaurants where you need a reservation, and Ky had made one right after I said I'd go.
"It's so beautiful here," I told him.
"I thought it'd be a good first date," he said.
"Yeah, it's perfect," I said.
The waitress came and was obviously trying to flirt with Ky. He barely looked her way, though. He was staring into my eyes, making me feel beautiful. The food was amazing. I had fettuccine alfredo, a chef salad, and Ky and I shared some chocolate satin cake for dessert.
Ky asked for the bill, so I got out my purse and unzipped it. He took it from me, zipped it back up, and gave it back.
"Not a chance, Alana. I'm paying," He said.
"It's fine, Ky. You know my parents have money to burn," I assured him.
"Alana, I may not be a billionaire like you, but I have enough money to pay for a nice dinner for two. I have a good part time job,"
He said.
"Where do you work, anyway?" I asked.
"Well, don't laugh, but I have a part time job as a lifeguard at the YMCA," he bit his lip in embarrassment.
"Oh Ky, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. A lifeguard is a fully respectable job! That's a great way to make money!" I reassured him.
"Thanks for thinking so," He said.
"Thanks for paying," I said.
A moment of silence passed.
"Um, Alana?" He asked.
"Yeah?" I responded.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked.
"Of course," I said.
"Um, will you be my girlfriend?" He nervously asked.
"Yes! I'd love to!" I told him.
He smiled, and we kissed. It was more than a peck, but not any more than that.
"I love you, Alana," he said.
"I love you back," I said.

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