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At school, I decided to see if Gigi wanted to hang out after school. A picnic or something sounded cool to me, so I looked for her in the cafeteria. When I didn't see her, I wondered if she was sick or something, because she's not the kind to skip school. I called, but she didn't pick up. I started to get frantic after about five minutes of calling with no answer, so I faked being sick, and the nurse said I could go home, since school's a five minute walk from my house. I left in a rush, not to my house, but to Gigi's. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I heard a sob, and the voice of that sob was none other than Gigi's. I could tell something wasn't right. As I looked through the windows one at a time until I saw her.
She was crying hard, tear after tear running down her face. Her hair was sticking to her face, and her expression screamed with sadness.
"Gigi?!" I said, knocking on the window.
She must've heard me knocking, because she looked up and mouthed, "Alana?"
She lifted the window and said, "What are you doing here?" She asked. "You're supposed to be at school!"
"So are you," I said. "I faked sick, because I was worried about you. You didn't answer my calls or texts. What happened to you?"
"It's a long story......." she trailed off.
"I have time," I demanded to know the problem.
It turned out, her dad came home from a business trip that day, and said that the load of providing for his daughter was an annoying weight on his shoulders and that he wished she hadn't been born.
She yelled at him about how he was so damn rich he probably didn't even notice what she spent.
She said she wished she had a family that cared about her, at least a little.
"Come on," I told her when she was done telling me. "Let's go find the boys."
-----twenty minutes later-----
"-and he didn't even apologize afterwards!" She cried into Leo's shirt. Ky and I exchanged looks and then I said, "You know why I suggested talking to the boys?"
Gigi looked at me. "Because you deserve to spend your time with people who love you. We all love you, and your dad is quite frankly unworthy of your time. Gigi, without you, I would have been a depressed, friendless nobody. Leo probably wouldn't have found love. I mean, admit it, Leo. You guys aren't going anywhere, relationship-wise. I probably wouldn't have met Ky. Gigi, we can be your family. You don't need him."
Gigi looked at me for a second. Then, she gave me a big hug, and said, "I love you, Alana."
Then, she turned to Leo, and smiled. They kissed, not for a long time, a bit more than a peck, and he told her he loved her. She said the same thing back.
"Gigi?" Ky said. She looked at him. "You are too nice to even care about your dad. Your dad just doesn't deserve you."
Leo said, "Yeah, what he said."
We all cracked up, and Gigi smiled. That was the important part.

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