What a night.

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I was sitting on my bed, texting Ky. He wanted to meet up tonight, and we were discussing where we'd go.
How about Olive Garden? I suggested.
Sounds good to me! I'll pick you up<3 He responded.
<3Okay, see u around six? I asked.
See u then. Love you he responded.
Luv u 2!!! Bye I respond.
Bye bye he responds.
I put up my phone and headed to pick out something to wear. I decided on a light pink, sleeveless, button down shirt, black leggings with zip pockets, and some hot pink Converse. Also, I wore both jewelry items that Ky had given me.
When it was six o'clock on the dot, I heard a car engine. Looking out my window, I saw his car in the driveway. I watched him walk to the door in a Panic! At The Disco T-shirt, and a pair of Levi's. In his left hand was a pretty bouquet of yellow roses, and in his right, he held the keys to his car. His hair was messily pointing out in odd directions, and constantly getting into his eyes.
He looked absolutely perfect.
I walked downstairs, black leather purse in hand, and opened the door.
"Hi, Alana," he said, his face lighting up.
"Hey Ky," I said, mine lighting up as well.
"You look pretty, as always," he said as he handed me the flowers.
"Thanks Ky! They're so pretty, but, you know, you don't have to get me flowers on every date,"
I said, instantly blushing as he kissed my cheek.
I heard footsteps and turned around.
"Mom?" I said as I saw my mother behind me.
"Hi, sweetie! May I ask, who is this?" She asked me, smiling like she knew me half as well as Ky did.
"This is Ky, my boyfriend, and
we were about to go to Olive Garden. Bye, mom," I said, turning around to get into Ky's car.
"Wait, darling! Why such a rush? I'd love to get to know your first boyfriend," she said. "Why don't you invite him over for dinner?"
"Ky, would you like to come over Sunday night and have dinner with my family?" I asked, wanting to leave ASAP.
"Um, okay, sure," he said. Nice to meet you, ma'am," he shook my mother's hand.
"Let's go," I said.
We walked to the car and drove out of the driveway. --------
The restaurant was filled.
There had to be, like, fifty people there, and we were tired of waiting for the table.
"Alana, I'm so sorry. This date is a disaster. Is there anywhere else you'd like to go?" He asked me.
"It's really fine, Ky, because guess
what is happening today?" I said.
"What?" He wondered, with one eyebrow cocked.
"The fair! We could totally just ditch this dump and go to the fair!" I said excitedly.
He chuckled.
"What?" I inquired.
"You're so cute when you get excited about things," he said.
"Oh, shut up," I blushed, and playfully punched him in the arm.
We got in the car, and drove to the fair.
"What should we do first?" I asked. "Roller coaster?"
"Roller coaster," he confirmed.
It started off slow, which built the suspense. After what would seem like a billion years, we finally got to the top of the first hill.
We sort of froze in time for a moment, but it was a very short moment.
We flew like bullets, through the evening sky. Even the stars looked blurry as we raced down that first hill. Each other hill increased the momentum until the last little bump. As we slowed, I noticed the blank expression on Ky's face.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Um, I, uh, I've never been on a roller coaster before. I think... I think I just found out my phobia,"
He answered.
"Oh, god, Ky, you don't look so good. Do you want to go sit somewhere?" I asked him.
He nodded, so we got a table near a food stand.
"Do you want anything?" He asked me.
He came back and ordered.
Walking back to the table, he handed me my hotdog with ketchup, and he started on his chili dog. We drank and ate in silence for a minute.
"How's your food?" I asked, basically just to break the silence.
"It's good. Yours?" He asked.
"Same," I responded. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I'm fine now. But no more roller coasters, okay?"
"Okay," I said. All these okays. It's like we're in TFIOS, or something.
"The fireworks will be starting up soon. Want to go to the Ferris wheel?" He asked.
"I'd love to, but first we need dessert," I said.
"Good idea. How about some of those Drumsticks ice cream thingies?" He suggested.
"Drumsticks it is," I confirmed.
We got into the Ferris wheel right as the fireworks started.
"Wow," I say. The fireworks where beautiful. He was beautiful. The stars, the moon, the view, the lights; everything was just beautiful. It was the most cliché thing ever, but it was the perfect night.
We stared into each other's eyes, and leaned forward. Our lips met as he placed his hands on my hips, and I placed mine on his face. I pulled away after a minute.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you more," he said.
He wrapped his arms around me as I burrowed my face into his chest.
I wanted to stay in this moment forever, feeling safe and comforted by the love of my life.
Hi guys! Thank you all for reading my book, as I really need that moral support. The song up there is Firework by Katy Perry, because it seemed very appropriate.
I promised he official ship names, so here goes:
Please keep reading! I'm so happy that I have 227 readers- I'm super lucky for you all.
Please don't forget to comment and vote! Also please follow! Thx,
luv u guys!!!!
Jianna Robbins

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