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  The accident left a mark, no doubt about that. But it was livable, livable only because I had a shoulder to cry on. I had Ky with me, and I loved him for it. He was the highlight of my life, until, six years afterwards, he gave me another little highlight, and two years after that, yet another thing to be proud of. A girl with chocolate brown eyes, golden curly hair, and freckles across her cheeks, and a boy with dark brown waves of hair, and the bluest eyes you've ever known.
Can you guess what we named them?
Hi everybody!
I hope the ending was good, and I hope the rest if it was, too! I am so lucky to have so many readers, and I am so thankful for you all. I'm only twelve, and all you people love my writing!!! Please remember to follow, vote, & comment, and I hope you read my next book.
Thank you.

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