The Call That Will Never Come

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I was sitting up on my hospital bed. I'd been depressed for a few days now, but it had felt like a million years since I heard the news. According to what I later heard, Ky was going to have to get his left leg amputated. A piece of glass got really deep in his leg, and shattered in several pieces when it hit the bone. The bone fractured in twenty-something places, and it was a hair away from piercing a major artery. It was too risky to try to remove, so they decided they had to amputate it.
Other than that, though, no further serious damage. He was okay enough for a wheelchair a few days after the surgery.
I was also in a wheelchair. They said walking would be too hard on my fractured thigh bone(yes, I had one of those as well as all the other shit going on with myself), so I had to use a blue wheelchair for two weeks as well. Then, if I felt like it, I could use crutches. As for Ky, he would be getting a prosthetic leg on Saturday.
I had been waiting to be able to see him for six days since the accident when a lady walked into my room, and said, "You can see him now."
I was rolled down the hall and to the right. In the room, I saw Ky sitting in his hospital bed with a blanket over his leg.
"Ky!" I said when he saw me come in. My arms were sore, but I managed to wheel myself over to him and give him a hug and a kiss.
"Alana!" He said, his lips forming a smile, but his eyes gave away his depression.
Despite his obvious sadness, he still found room to be concerned for me. God, I loved him.
"Are you doing okay?" He selflessly asked.
"Not at all," I said, holding back tears. "You?"
"How could I be," He started. "When no one I love is?"
His voice cracked, and we held each other, crying into each other's shirts.

Wait for your call, love
The call never came
Ready to fall up
Ready to claim
And I'm ready for it all, love
Ready for the pain
Meet under sun and
Meet me again
In the rain
In the rain

Behind the walls, love
I'm trying to change
And I'm ready for it all, love
I'm ready for the change
Meet me in blue sky
Meet me again
In the rain
In the rain
In the rain

These lyrics play in my head, reminding me of the rainy day when I met Leo and Ky, and the sunny day I met Gigi.

Reminding me that Gigi will never call me again.

Bringing the fleeting thoughts if suicide in my head.

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