I guess this is still shopping

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Gigi and I were headed to the mall. I hadn't been there in ages, but YOLO, right? I had no idea what to wear, but I did know Gigi wouldn't judge me, no matter what I wore. She's just that good of a friend. Eventually, I decided I'd wear the sweater I had gotten for my birthday from my aunt. It was burgundy and beige, and it was very flattering. It just seemed like the right thing to wear.
I heard a honk from Gigi's limo and walked down. Purse in hand, I hopped into the car and we rode all the way to the mall, chatting all the way.
It started to sprinkle outside about ten minutes into the mall trip.
"Oh crap," I said.
"Ditto that," said Gigi. "Did you bring an umbrella or anything?"
"No, sorry," I sighed and bit my lip, like I do when I'm either nervous, or ticked.
"It's fine, I can text Jack to just
pull up to the exit when we decide to leave," she assured me.
"Ok. Jack is the chauffeur, right?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said. "Hey, do you want to go to Forever 21?"
"Yeah, sure." I said. "Wait, first you wanna go get some ice cream? There's a Jeni's in to the
food court."
"Mmm, Jeni's is my fave. Yeah, let's stop by there." she said.
We were in line, and heard some guys behind us whispering stuff like, "Just ask her" and "Come on, she's hot."
Not a minute later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see the two of the most attractive guys I've ever seen.
"Um, hey," the dirty-blond one said. "Uh, do you two want to come sit with us? W-We'll pay for your ice cream." He nervously stuttered as he ran his fingers through his hair, making it even messier, therefore, even CUTER. The other was cute, too, but not my type. Gigi had a thing for guys with dark hair and hazel eyes, so I was more than happy to leave him to her. I gave her a look, as to say, OMG THESE DUDES ARE CUTER THAN LIKE ALL MALE MODELS EVER. She gave me one saying the exact same thing.
"Sure." I decided for us, since she was too surprised to talk.
Within seconds, we were chatting like old friends. Turned out, the blond was named Ky and the dark haired one was named Leo. We talked about everything from school to music to movies to food. The whole time, the blond was staring at me with those ice blue eyes, and a small smile. After the ice cream, I asked him,
"Why were you staring at me?"
"You're pretty" he said.
I smiled, unknowing about the 15 dates we were soon to have.

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