I Will Never Be The Same

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Days go by,
It's all a haze,
Trying to forget 'em,
Thinking about the way she smiled, and the way he made me laugh,
I don't have much anymore, But I swear what's left will never go to waste,
But life will never be the same,
I will never be the same.

Writing a song came easy. It was one if the only things left that did.
I still have Ky, I thought to myself. But I knew better. Ky was still here, but he was altered. He wouldn't be the same.
That changed nothing, though. He was still Ky, still the one I loved truly and deeply, that I always would.
I just don't know if I can keep going, I thought to myself.
But I could. I knew I could. I'd have to, for Ky. I lie down on my hospital bed for the last time I'd have there, and for that I was glad. Every time I would see someone walk out of their rooms, I would think, "That could've been Gigi," or, "That could've been Leo," and so I thought if I was in a new environment, maybe I'd take a turn for the better. I dunno, just a theory.

I started picking at my cuticles; a habit I hadn't ever started until the accident. Losing people you love could really play tricks with your unconsciousness. Making myself bleed, I stop picking at my cuticles and start trying to sleep. Starting to feel groggy, I drifted off to sleep, knowing even sleep would never be the same.
Hey guys,
Thank you so much for reading! If you've made it this far, give yourself a celebratory bowl of ice cream, because you deserve something sweet for putting up with all this depression. 😬😬😬 Bear with me, people!
Anyways, the song on the side for this chapter was a Big White Room by Jessie J. It's about going crazy, and I think we can all agree that Alana is driven nearly to the point of insanity in this chapter.
Well, I luv u guys, and please stick around for the last few chapters! I promise three bonus chapters in Leo, Gigi, and Ky's POV.
Don't forget to comment and vote!

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