Gigi's family probs

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We immediately hit off, and we were best friends within a week. We liked the same music. We watched the same TV shows. We had similar pet peeves. She even wrote on her jeans! But above all, we had the same family issues. Our parent(s) were both dirty rich, but had no time for us. The only difference was that I had a brother and she was an only child. Neither of us had ever had a friend. It was a first for both of us, which was comforting.
Music was my only friend for a long time, as was hers.
"My mom died two years ago. I was twelve, and barely knew her, but she was my mom, and no one could replace her," said Gigi with a sigh. I sighed with her and gave her a hug. I told her about my brother, and she sympathized my loss of a brother through the pressures of his "friends".
We sat there in silence until the bell rang for the next class.

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