There Are No Words

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The next day, we all met up in the hotel courtyard.
"We should totally go to that cafe bakery place that we passed by yesterday," Gigi suggested.
"Okay," I said.
"Sounds good to me," Ky said.
"It's a date!" Said Leo, with his signature grin.
"We can take this subway and walk down his street," said Ky, pointing at a map."Or, we can take a taxi the whole way there."
"My feet hurt from those heels. I'm not walking at all," said Gigi.
"I second that," I said.
"Oh yeah, my stilettos were killing me, too," said Leo with a hand on his hip. "Because I'm a girl and I wear uncomfortable clothing to look pretty." He mocked. Gigi jokingly punched his arm, and said, "Well at least I can cab whistle." To prove her point, she whistled a cab over, and we all got in to go to the café.
It happened so quickly, you could hardly see the front of the cab drive straight into the building.
Glass shattered deafeningly and pierced my left arm and right hand, and slit from my eyebrow to my chin, barely missing my eye. Another shard flew to my hip and another to my leg.
A blood-curdling scream escaped my mouth. The pain was so big, I heard nothing else at all. The last thing I remembered was seeing Ky's face streaked with blood, yet he was mouthing 'Alana',Leo's eyes widening at Gigi's white shirt, which was stained burgundy.
And then it all went black.

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