NYC, Here We Come!

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It was the last day of school until fall break. I walked into the cafeteria, like any other day, and sat down with Gigi, again, like any other day.
"I really wish the guys went to our school," Gigi said.
"Yeah, me too," I sighed. "School would be much more enjoyable."
"Yeah," she agreed. "Well, I was wondering if you'd want to go to go to New York for two weeks with me. We'd leave tomorrow at noon, if you wanted to come. We would arrive back home a week after school starts, but oh well. I'd been meaning to ask you sooner, but you were with Ky a lot, and I was with Leo a lot. I asked Leo already, and he's going to come. I texted Ky two nights ago, and he's coming, too. I'd have texted you then, but my phone died on me, and then I went to bed, so yeah. You comin'?" She said.
"I'd love to!" I answered. "My parents probably won't even notice in gone. They're leaving in four days to some business trip, and my Nanny is off for the rest of the month. It'd be perfect! Thanks, G!" I said, surprised.
"Oh no prob! I get a giant allowance, especially now. My dad sorta half apologized and said he'd give me twice my regular allowance, which was three hundred a week. A ten dollar bill, compared to what he spends on himself, but still! Enough for me to say thank you without lying to him. Even though he's too busy to be there for me, he has me financially loaded, so I can count my lucky stars for that. Anywho, I have four thousand bucks saved for this," she said.
"I can pitch in," I said. "Believe it or not, my allowance is a weekly seven hundred fifty dollars. I have like a bajillion in my bank account. I can just use my card."
"Great!" She said. "I'll come help you pack tomorrow."
"Sounds good! See you in Trig," I said as the bell rang.
"Ugh, I hate the whole two luggages and two carry-ons rule!" I said as I stuffed the last item, my Nirvana T-shirt, into my sky blue luggage.
"So do I, but we'll just have to deal with it," she said. "Do you really need that?" She pointed to my box of CDs.
"If course I do!" I exclaimed. "How else am I supposed to listen to all my favorite songs?"
Gigi said, "Um, by looking them up on YouTube, or Spotify? Or by plugging some headphones into your phone? Or if you want to listen to them loudly, or in the car, you could plug them into the AUX, or the Beats Pill speaker you packed? Or you c-"
"Okay, okay," I interrupted. "No need for more smart-ass answers to my rhetorical question. Hey, what time does the flight leave again?"
"Noon," she said. "Leo's mom'll pick us up here in about...forty-five minutes."
"Okay, great. We have just enough time to finish getting ready," I said. I was still in my PJs, so I needed to shower, do my hair, and pick out an outfit. Not to mention getting my purse ready.
"I'm gonna go shower. Pick out an outfit for me, 'kay?" I asked. She was the only person I trusted to pick out an outfit for me.
"'Kay," she answered. I showered, brushed my teeth, and did my hair. After making sure I looked okay, I went into my room. Gigi was there with mine, and her luggages all ready to go, and my outfit for the day. A loose, flowery t-shirt, black shorts, and my floral Keds. "Thanks, Gigi. Everything packed?" I asked.
"Everything packed. Including your unnecessary box of CDs," she answered. I rolled my eyes,a and thanked her. "I'm gonna go change real quick. How much time left?" I asked.
"Um, ten minutes," she responded. I walked/ran into my closet to change. As I came out, I tripped over my headphones. I looked at them for a moment. They were the one thing that got me through the really tough times. I was friendless for many years, and these were the things that helped me feel, if not good, better. I picked them up, and stuffed them into my purse. I put everything else I needed in my purse, too, just as Gigi walked back into my room, and tossed me my deodorant. "Forgot that," she said.
"Yeah, thanks G," I said, catching it. Looking out the window, I saw a car come into the drive. Ky was singing along to Sober by Tool in the back seat while Leo was in the passenger seat playing air guitar. I said, "They're here," and Gigi looked out the window, to find Leo playing air guitar. "Ommigosh, blackmail," she said as she got her phone out, zoomed in, and videotaped Leo playing air guitar for about a minute and a half. I rolled my eyes at her and said, "Come on, let's go." We came down the stairs, luggages in hand, and went to the car. Gigi and I put our things in the trunk, and climbed into the backseat, with me between Ky and Gigi, a seating arrangement that I could definitely could live with. Chatting small talk on the way to the airport, the ride went by super quickly. Before we knew it, we were munching on pretzels and on our way to the big apple!

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