Going Home

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I woke upon the day of my departure, feeling sad and lonely. After all, I didn't know who I'd talk to at school since Gigi wasn't around. Having experienced a best friend, and then not having one made it harder, probably because I knew exactly what I was missing out on.
"Hey," I heard a voice say.
"Ky!" I said. "Your prosthetic!"
"Yeah, it's great. I can do almost everything I could do with a real leg," he said. "The doctor said it's waterproof, so I don't totally have to give up surfing and stuff."
"That's great! I'm really happy for you, Ky," I said. And I was. I was glad that I still had someone to love, even if it's just one. I rolled my chair over to where he was and kissed him.
He smiled a sad smile, and I realized I was wrong. the accident may have hurt him, but he'd always be my Ky.
"Did your parents ever come?" I asked him. When I met his parents, they seemed very sweet.
"Yeah, they've been here for almost a week. They slept here the first night, but I told them they needed better sleep. They're in the cafeteria now," he said.
"Oh that's nice," I said.
"They had wanted to visit you, but they didn't know if you'd want that," he added.
"Tell them that I'd love for us all to go out to dinner, when we get back," I said.
He smiled. "I will."
We got home later that day, and like the gentleman he was, he helped me unpack my stuff at home.
"I can't believe your parents. They didn't even call, let alone show up," he said.
"I'm more than over it. They didn't even show up at my middle school graduation. Where were they, you might ask? Boating the Bahamas in their yacht," I said. "My nanny was there. She may not be the warmest person, but she shows up when she can. At least she called me when she heard about the accident. She couldn't come because her mom is in the hospital from cancer, though, so I didn't expect her to drop everything and come."
"She sounds okay," he said.
"She can either be really irritable or really nice. Just depends on the day," I responded.
As we put stuff away, I noticed that I wouldn't be able to reach my socks, or my sweaters, since they were in my highest drawer.
I was shocked when I realized that for the next week and a half, I wouldn't be able to get dressed without help.
"Ky?" I said. "Um, could you please get the sweaters and socks from those drawers for me? They're too high up, so I guess I'll have to put them somewhere else."
"Sure thing," he said.
He grabbed a box that was stacked in the corner of my suite. I say suite instead if room because I've seen apartments smaller than my space on the third floor.
He put the stuff neatly into the box, and placed it on one of my bedside tables.
"You know, I think we're gonna be okay," he randomly said.
I thought about it for a second.
"As long as you're here with me, life will be a lot more than okay," I said, smiling at him.
And we kissed.

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