Do You Need It or Do You Want It?

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If you made a list of needs, chances are you had some wants on that list. Wants pretend to be needs a lot of the time. That's why they're sneaky. They trick you into believing that your life would be lesser off if they weren't part of it. As I defined in the Meeting Your Needs section, a need is anything that if it were taken away from you, would leave you physically, emotionally or mentally harmed. Thus, if you're not disrupted by the removal of something, it's probably a want.

There's no rhyme or reason when it comes to wants. They're subjective and wholly personal. In order to obtain your wants, meet your needs first. When you don't meet your needs, and try wanting something - things can get confusing. For example, going on a date and wondering the whole time if they like you.

When you meet your needs first and then go after what you want, you can maintain your peace of mind. So on your date, instead of wondering if they like you, you can ask yourself the ultimate question: "Do I want you in my life?"

It's a lot easier to identify if you want something when you know you don't need it.

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