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Insecurity points to a part of yourself you've not yet made your peace with. That's okay! It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. It means that there is a part of you that has yet to grow and frankly, you have no obligation to touch it until you're ready.

When we view insecurity through a fear mindset, it suddenly becomes something big, scary, and untouchable. We have learned that insecurities make us weak and open to threat.

What if we changed the narrative? Imagine if identifying your insecurities was an act of strength? How courageous you must be to own all the parts of yourself – even the parts you'd rather forget. If you know what you're insecure about, it makes it that much harder to be used against you. Never let someone use your insecurities as a weapon. Neutralize them by having the courage to face yourself before they expose you.  

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