Self-Deprecation and the Art of Making Yourself Small

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There are plenty of moments in life that push us into being smaller versions of ourselves. There are plenty of external conditions and people that bully us into being small. They push us into being lesser versions of ourselves.

But self-deprecation is unique because it is the art of making yourself small when you've not been asked to. It is us against ourselves. It's an internal conflict that begs the question: why do we do it?

When you self-deprecate you constantly reinforce the message that you are in fact not worth being celebrated. Your accomplishments and successes are worth less than others. Over time you internalize that message to such a degree that you begin to believe it as always true.

Pay attention to how, where and why you self-deprecate. Get curious about yourself and begin to contemplate an alternative to putting yourself down. Self-deprecation has never suited you at all, it is time to let it go.

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