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The next day the pillars meet in the training area where they would spar and train together. The pillars met and started training right away.

Yasu went against shinobu and mitsuri. Yasu won. She was faster and more flexible than shinobu and mitsuri. This took everyone by surprise because shinobu is really fast and mitsuri is really flexible, and they didn't expect that Yasu would be good in both. She was also good in combat skills and hand to hand combat. Of course they haven't seen her fighting style ( her breathing style ) so they told her to use it but on trees.

" blossom breathing - first form : Sakura form "

A lot of blossoms appeared from yasus nirichin sword. Yasu jumped high and blew out half of the trees mid air. Every one ( including iguro and Sanemi ) were shocked. How could she blown out half trees while being mid air ?! When she landed blossoms appeared from her feet as soon as she landed, like a cushion. ( if y'all know what I mean 🥲 )


" I don't know. I just trained a lot I guess, but thank you kanroji- San !"

" that was very cool Yasu- Chan ! "

" thank you kocho- San ! "

" yes that was indeed flamboyant ! "

" thank you uzui- San ! "

After some pillars complemented her, they left after a while since they have been training since 8:00 am. It was currently 5:30 pm. Mitsuri invited Yasu to go eat, but Yasu still had cleaning to do. Yes Yasu was responsible for her own estate. In fact she did everything by her self even if she really needed help. Yasu is not the type of person to call for help, even though she's very nice, she knows better.

Yasu had to deny which made mitsuri das but Yasu reminded her that they could hang out another time. Mitsuri sighed and agreed since she understood that she was busy so she let her go. Once Yasu left she went to her favorite desert food restaurant that she would always go whenever she felt for having something sweet. But she would never guess she would find the wind pillar there too.

" hello shinazugawa- san "

The guy panicked as he didn't notice Yasu was standing right next to him. More than that he was embarrassed that he was caught it a place like this. Out of embarrassment he yelled out, angry.

" why are you here ?! "

" oh me ? I just came to get some dangos ! But anyways I will leave you alone now. Good bye shinazugawa-San have a good rest of your afternoon " Yasu said calmly not caring about someone like Sanemi eating something sweet ? Why didn't she judge him ? She didn't... care ?

Just when Yasu was about to leave, Sanemi called her out.

" hey wait up "

" hmm is there something wrong shinazugawa- San ? "

Sanemi signaled her to sit in front of him. She understand and hummed in response nodding right after. As she sat in front of him, Sanemi called the waiter and ordered a plate of dangos.

" uh shinazugawa- San, I was gonna take a to go because I only have a bit with me. I can't afford a whole plate " Yasu giggled.

" don't worry, it's my treat "

" huh ? And why is that ? "

" what I can't be nice ? "

" I wasn't saying that. But if that's what makes you happy okay ! Just remember me I owe you "

" yeah whatever. I don't care honestly if you pay be back or not. It's my treat like I said "

Yasu just hummed and closed her eyes while waiting for her food. Sanemi couldn't help but stare at her still wondering why she didn't judge him.

" why "

" huh ? Why what ? "

" why didn't you judge me ? "

" why would I judge you ? " Yasu asked in a curious face.

" because I'm eating ohagis "

" I don't care. Everyone eats sweets. It's something normal. Plus I don't judge people just because they are something else than they appear to be " Yasu said as she gave Sanemi an eye closed smile.

Sanemi hummed in response. He was started to get comfortable with her. One she doest judge anyone, two she was chill and wasn't annoying ( quiet ) and three she wouldn't make you feel left out. Just then sanemi remembered how she kissed Giyuus cheek the other day. That started to get him pissed, so he decided to ask her about it.

" why did you kiss Giyuu in the cheek "

" hmm because i knew he was left out so I wanted to make him feel like he wasn't. Why do you ask shinazugawa- San ? "

" no reason. And hey, do you feel anything about him "

" he's a good person. But no, I just see him as a friend nothing else "

Sanemi just hummed. He felt relieved somehow and for some reason which he didn't knew. Why was he happy to hear she didn't like him. Yasu me food got here and thanked the waiter. Yasu took a bite of her dango and closed her eyes and smile. Putting her hand in her cheek because of how good the dango was. Sanemi realized that was her favorite food, it was obvious. Sanemi didn't notice he was staring at her. He didn't know why but she looked so, beautiful and stunning. He felt that his heart was about to pop out out of his chest any second. He felt his cheeks burn and turn red. ( kinda )

Sanemi was brought back to reality as he hear Yasu said " is their anything wrong shinazugawa- San ? " sanemi just said " no " and continued eating his ohagi comfortable in front of Yasu, she was also eating her dangos. It was just those two in silent which was very peaceful, relaxing and chill. Sanemi started to like her company since she was quiet and chill. He also liked how she isn't like other people who judge you for stupid reasons.

After that sanemi payed and they both left the restaurant. Yasu thanked him for the last time and sanemi just nodded saying that it was nothing. Yasu hummed and waved goodbye to him as she headed to her direction to her estate. Sanemi just says bye and left to his estate.

As soon as Yasu got back home she took a bath, changed to her sleeping ware and went straight to sleep since she was tired. But Yasu couldn't really go to sleep because she was thinking of someone. She was thinking of him.

Shinazugawa sanemi.

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