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The pillars were making their way back home after the pillar meeting was over. Yasu and her lover were walking to his estate since she promised him that they will make ohagis and dangos together. The couple stopped walking as yasus crow was flying on top of them.


Suki said as she landed on yasus shoulder, waiting for her to pet her. Yasu just smiled and did what she wanted. But Yasu looked at sanemi who looked pissed. She did promise that she would bake with him, but she needs to go to the mission they assigned her. Of course she couldn't disobey her master.

Sanemi just sighed and nodded at Yasu. She smiled and gave sanemi a gently kissed who he obviously kissed back. After 1 minutes she pulled away and said " I promise as soon as I get back my dear, we will bake together okay ? " she said as she kissed his cheek. Whenever Yasu called sanemi " dear " he would always blush that nickname, and he didn't know why. He just liked it.

" okay, be careful " Yasu nodded and quickly started walking away to where her crow was guiding her from above. Sanemi just stood there and watched as his lover wasn't in sight anymore because of how far she was away from him. As soon as she left, he already missed her a bunch.

~ Mean while with Yasu ~

Yasu was walking while her crow was leading her to the destination she was supposed to go for her mission. The mission is about investigating some peoples disappearances since 3 weeks ago. About 50 people had gone mission, including grown men and women, small children and old people. Yasu already knows they are dead. But one thing she found suspicious was how did the villagers know where exactly it had happen. Like if they were working for the demon, in good or bad terms. Yasu arrived at the village.

She had to admit it looked dead. There wasn't a lot of people. The houses were all old and rusty. Places were closed and there's a few of people outside, like if they are hiding from something.

Yasu approached a guy who was about to walk past her " um excuse me- " before Yasu could finish her sentence, the man completely ignored her. And on purpose. If sanemi was here, he would've killed that guy for not answering or being nice to Yasu. ' rude ' Yasu thought as she tried talking to all the villagers she could find outside. It was hard since there wasn't a lot of them, she still tried.

~ Time skip ~
( evening )

Yasu tried her best but no one talked to her, they didn't even dared to look at her. She did find suspicious things / actions she found really weird. All the villagers were tired and wore a rope on their wrist. Every single one. Yasu kept on walking still trying to find this demon that made this helpless people look dead. Yasu found a young boy probably around 14, staring at her. Terrified. The boy noticed she looked back at him. He started running, only to get stopped by the same women he was staring at to appear infront of her. Her smiled like calm and gentle. The kid tried running away again but failed as Yasu started speaking.

" it's okay, talk to me young boy. I will help you and your village " Yasu said as she calmed down the boy who was very terrified. ' poor thing ' thought Yasu. He took a deep breath and signaled Yasu to follow him. She did and he was leading her to an abandoned shed. It looked like someone lived here. It had a un made futon, a little kitchen and a room to a bathroom. Yasu guessed this kid lived here. She noticed that the kid was the only person she has seen with our a rope on his wrist. She kept smiling which kinda creeped out the kid.

" what's your name young boy ? " Yasu asked the kid who gave her a apple, since he didn't want to be rude to guests and he didn't have a lot to affor " yaka kashi " the young boy said as he started to feel calmer by the presence of Yasu " okay kashi - San, can you explain what's happening ? You won't get in any trouble or hurt in any way " the young boy sighed and nodded.

" it started 3 weeks ago. Demons attacked our village. They set a lot of houses on fire and killed / ate a lot of people. My family was one of their targets. My house was set in fire, my both parents and older sister protected me. I was the only one who made it alive... " he said as he started tearing up. Yasu pat his shoulder and comforting him telling him to not rush and to take his time. After the young calmed down he proceeded to talk.

" I had been living here for the past weeks. After the attack the demons attached this ropes to our wrist to spy on us from their hand. " this attracted yasus attention " they told us to not try and talk to any demon slayers so they could get killed easily. Usually people stayed inside or just didn't talk. This village used to be bright and loud but now it's so silent like if there was nothing living here. The demons live at top of the mountain and kill and keep their victims there. The demons attract the demon slayers by cutting their flesh blood so it will make them think someone is in danger. Only for them to die after. "

" do you know how much demons there is kashi - San ? " Yasu asked " three " the boy said " so how come you don't have a rope on your wrist ? " Yasu asked " I just removed the rope about yesterday, the demons also said that it's easy to take the rope off. How ever, the demons will come after us the next night to kill whoever took off the ropes. " ' so that explains everything. It makes sense now ' Yasu thought.

" is that why you were scared kashi - San ? " Yasu asked. The young boy nodded, ofcourse Yasu understood him. Who wouldn't be scared when some ugly and scary creature was going to attack / kill you. Who would blame the young boy. Yasu then asked the young boy for more details. She waited till night time hit and thank med the young boy for his help. She left and started running to the mountains. As expected, she started smelling blood. Which had a horrible sent. Who would fall for this obvious trick ?

Yasu then stopped in the middle of nowhere. There was trees surrounding her in a circle. That's when she felt a demon presence. But it wasn't three...

It was three in one.

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