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        "What is meant to be
       Will always find it's way"


While working on her laptop, Ruhani heard her phone ringing. She glanced at the phone screen and saw a call from an unknown number. She ignored it and started concentrating on her work again. After a few seconds her phone rang again and she saw that a call was coming from the same number.

She let out an exasperated sigh and picked up the phone. When she heard what the the person on the other side said, her heart started beating faster. She became numb, her hands started trembling, she was so shocked that she forgot to even react.

"Hello, are you listening?”, said the person on the other end after a few seconds on not getting any response.

"Umm?", she hummed as realization dawned on her, bringing her out of her thoughts. She dropped the phone from her trembling hands due to the painful news she had just received. She was confused about what to do, then without thinking she quickly ran out of the office, leaving her purse, phone and laptop open on the table.

She is now on the road trying to get a quick lift as she did not bring her car today which she had given for service. She couldn't take a cab because she forgot to bring her phone or purse from the office.

When she couldn't find a lift, she started running because she didn't want to waste even a single minute and wanted to reach there as soon as possible.

She was thinking about what she had just heard and all kinds of scary thoughts crossed her mind. She was breathing heavily and was completely drenched in sweat.
"Why is it always me, why do I have to lose everything and everyone I love", she grumbled sighing in frustration.

All kinds of negative thoughts were going on in her mind, then she saw a car coming towards her at full speed, she heard the sound of the horn, but before she could come to her senses and react, she was hit by the car. And everything went black before her eyes.


So guys this was the prologue of my story, hope you find it interesting and wants to read further, and thanku so much for passing by.

Have a good day and bye untill next update.

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