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"Some people think that to be strong is to never feel the pain. In reality the strongest people are the ones who feel it, understand it, and accept it".


It was dark everywhere and I am trapped in this darkness. I can't escape this. no one can find me in this darkness how will I find the way to light. There is no one who will save me from this darkness. I'll hide myself here and but not let anyone see me and I'll save myself from monsters untill I'll see light.

"Little Girl come out where are you, come out yourself because If I  will found then you know what will happen to you. Come out, you can't escape from your destiny and your destiny is in my hands even the darkness can't hide you from me", I heard someone saying coming towards me.

No, he can't find me. This darkness will hide me. He will be not able to find me, I'll save myself.

"Seems like I found my girl, I can hear breathes of someone here, seems like you are here, I am coming towards you darling, I told you, you can't escape from me for long because I am only light for you  in this darkness, only one who is reason of your darkness and light, so come out little girl. You can't escape. Come out my doll, even your father send you here do you think you can escape from here",  He said and started grabbing me from my wrist, his grip was so tight which left bruises on my wrist.

"Please leave me, it's hurting please leave me for God sake.  My father can't do anything like this. Please leave me, leave my hand", I was screaming, crying, fighting with my little strength. But he was not even listening to me.

"Shut up, and come with me otherwise it'll be not good for you", He grabbed me and throw me on the floor.

"No please don't do this, please leave me. Please someone save me. Suddenly I wake up jerk and continuously saying "please leave me, don't do this, please save me". I was breathing heavily and my body was so sweaty.

Suddenly I realise it was just nightmare, there is not darkness, there is no one who was hurting me. But this place is not familiar to me,  where am I?and why I have so many drips attached with my hands, why my head with is paining so much. I touched my head and realise my head was bandaged. "What happened to me, why I am here please someone tell me where are you, why you bring me here", I was screaming loudly while crying and my head is hurting  so badly.

"Miss please relax and listen to me. it's not good for your health", Suddenly I saw a man saying coming close to me.

"Who are you, why I am here, why you bring me here. Don't touch me, stay away from me",I said with frustration and fear.

"Miss please, calm down. I bring you here. I accidentally hit you with my car and bring you to hospital and you didn't wake up for two days but doctor said you are out of danger we can take you home, so I take you here in my home as I don't know anything about your home or family. I thought I'll take you to your home when you'll wake up. And finally after five days you wake up. But please don't take too much stress, it's not good for your health please. I'll take you to your family", He exclaimed with worried look.

I processed what he said, and tried to remember what happened that day. Why I can't remind anything, it's so painful, I was giving so much stress to my head, it feels like someone is hitting on my head. I was enable to remind anything. What was happened.

Suddenly I remember phone call, yes I recieved a call. "My mother, where is my mother, please take me to her how is she. She is my only family please take me to her. You said that you'll take me to my family. I wanted to see her, I know she is fine now. I know nothing happened to her, let's go to my mother, she'll be worried about me, it's been five days since she saw me", I was blabbering continuously reminding that phone call and try to avoid all negative thoughts coming to my mind.

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