*chapter - 3*

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"If we are destined to be together,
God will create all the ways to meet us".


"Ruhani, can I talk to you for a minute?" My senior asked when I was reviewing today's report.

"Yes, sir. What is it?" I replied, closing my pen and placing it in between as a bookmark.

"Well, I'll not beat around the bush and come straight to the point. I like you. Do you wanna go out with me?"

"What..." I asked baffled.

"I know it's so sudden. But I liked you from the first day I have seen you. I thought of approaching you, knowing you more, you always seemed an enigma." He said, me being shocked is the understatement of the day.

Though he continued. "But, before it's too late and I regret not making an effort, I want to ask you out. I want to know who the real you are, what you like, what makes you sad, your favorite food, everything." He said, leaving me speechless.

I was stunned hearing his words and the meaning behind them. He's interesting in me? Are we talking about the same person? Me?

How do we get to this? I'm the most boring person in the whole universe. The most important question how do I get out of this now?

I know I'm not ugly for people to see me and find me attractive, as it has happened in college days before, people would approach and confess.

But it's just uncomfortable to be at the attention of others when all I want is to be ignored.

I prefer being ignored and ignorant of others as well. It's nice. It's safe.

No commitments. No heartbreaks.
No fear.

"Ruhani, what happened why are you not saying something?",
He asked worriedly as I'm yet to open my mouth. "Sorry, if my words or actions have hurt you in any way. I just want to express my feeling to you. Maybe you think I'm rushing you but I'm genuinely interested in you. But you can take your time I'll not force you."

"Umm...Sorry, Sir, not to be rude or anything but I don't want any misunderstanding between us. I like you, but not in the way you do at least. I respect you. I'm grateful to you. But I can't give you false hope, it won't be fair to both of us." I said as his smile wavered but he kept his composure.

"It's alright, Ruhani, I'm glad you're being honest and straightforward. It's this charm that attracted me to you the most. But I understand too. I'm just not the right person for you."

I thought he'll leave instead he asked "I hope we can be friends at least. Would you like to go on a coffee with me this evening?"

"Sorry, Sir, I would like to go but I already have some commitments which I can't cancel. I hope you understand." I truthfully said.

"Oh, no problem, then we'll go next time. It's nice talking to you Ruhani, hope we can be friends at least." He said while shaking his hand with me.

After he leaves from my office, I took a deep breath it's a long time since I talked to someone this long outside work who is not my Mom.

My anxiety level increased in this kind of situation. I don't know why but unnecessary interaction with people makes me uncomfortable. It's been a long time since those incidents but still trusting someone or interacting with them is tough for me.

And It was so sudden like when and how all this happened like As far as I remember, I never even talked to him directly except for work. But thank God he was good enough to understand my feelings. I think I should try to meet new people and make friends as Mom said to go out, explore and experience .

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